The properties.xml file contains input parameters for the DSAMetaDataMigrator application. It includes credentials and associated information for DSC, systems and media servers in XML format. A template file is generated using the application.
- Generate the template properties.xml file using the following commands. The file is created in the current directory.
- On SLES15 run python3 - g
- On SLES12.3-TDC/STND run python3.6 - g
- The generated file includes all the information available in system as part of DSC installation.
- You must fill in the missing information before using the input file.
- If passwords are not in the file, the system prompts for the credentials while running the app.
- To avoid prompts during execution, you can set <silentmode> to yes and you must record passwords in the file.
- Media server and system detail can be updated for this file after export operation on the target or new DSC system.
- Cloud platform:
- To ssh to the DSC VM using a .pem file, you must provide the path of the .pem file in the <private_key_file> tag and the user name in the <private_username> tag.
- Without a .pem file, you can ssh and enter user name and password.
- When using .pem file for cloud, do not enter values for <systemusername> and <systemuserpass> in the properties.xml file, they will override the values in the .pem file.
Sample properties.xml File
<data> <!-- This properties.xml is the input file having parameters required during migration Credential provided in this file is not encrypted Migrator application delete this file after successful migration In case of failure or partial migration, file remain present so user should delete when not in use --> <!-- provide path of the pem file along with user name for authentication on cloud platform--> <!-- <private_key_file>/var/opt/teradata/scripts/access_key.pem</private_key_file> <private_username>ec2-user</private_username> --> <!-- set silent mode YES in case don't want to get prompt during migration process --> <silentmode></silentmode> <!-- provide old DSC detail --> <olddscserver> <systemname></systemname> <!-- system name --> <tdrepohost></tdrepohost> <!-- host of the Teradata repo, default is DSC system --> <tdrepodbname></tdrepodbname> <!-- name of the Teradata repo DB, default is bar (please do not edit) --> <tdrepodbpass></tdrepodbpass> <!-- Teradata repo (bar) DB password (should not include space, single or double quotes) --> <brokerurl></brokerurl> <!-- broker URL of the old DSC --> <systemusername></systemusername> <!-- user name of the old DSC system --> <systemuserpass></systemuserpass> <!-- password of the old DSC system (should not include space, single or double quotes) --> </olddscserver> <!-- provide new DSC detail --> <dscserver> <dsaresthost></dsaresthost> <!-- system name hosting dsarest, defualt is DSC server --> <dsarestport></dsarestport> <!-- port of the dsa rest server --> <dsarestwebservice></dsarestwebservice> <!-- dsa rest web service, it can be https or http --> <brokerurl></brokerurl> <!-- broker URL of the new DSC --> <brokerport></brokerport><!-- broker port of the new DSC --> <pgrepohost></pgrepohost> <!-- host of the Postges repo, default is DSC system --> <pgrepodbname></pgrepodbname> <!-- name of the Postgres repo DB, default is bar (please do not edit) --> <pgrepodbpass></pgrepodbpass> <!-- Postgres repo (bar) DB password (should not include space, single or double quotes) --> </dscserver> <!-- provide list of media servers to be reconfigured --> <mediaservers> <mediaserver> <mediaservername></mediaservername> <!-- name of the media server --> <username></username> <!-- user name for the media server --> <password></password> <!-- password of the media server (should not include space, single or double quotes) --> </mediaserver> </mediaservers> <!-- provide list of systems to be reconfigured --> <systems> <system> <systemname></systemname> <!-- system name --> <db_username></db_username> <!-- database user name --> <db_password></db_password> <!-- database password (should not include space, single or double quotes) --> <system_username></system_username> <!-- user name of the system (master node) --> <system_password></system_password> <!-- password of the system (master node) --> </system> </systems> </data>