DSA Command Types | Teradata DSA - DSA Command Types - BAR - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata® DSA User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2022
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
DSA commands can be categorized as the following two major types:
  • DSA setup commands for administration and configuration allow you to create, update, and delete targets, sources, and the DSC repository. This functionality corresponds to that provided by the BAR Setup portlet.
  • DSA operation commands for management and reporting allow you to create, execute, monitor, update, and delete jobs. This functionality corresponds to that provided by the BAR Operations portlet.

DSA Configuration Commands

The following table lists and briefly describes the administration and configuration commands:

Command Name Description
backup_application_gcp The backup_application_gcp command configures the Google Cloud Platform server in the DSA repository based on parameter files.

The cleanup_ir_source_system command clears deleted row logs in the source system. This cleans up the metadata needed for IR backup.


The config_aws command configures the Amazon S3 Server in the DSA repository based on parameter files.


The config_azure command configures the Microsoft Azure Server in the DSA repository based on parameter files.


The config_dd_boost command configures the DD Boost server for the DSA repository.


The config_disk_file_system command configures the disk file system in the DSA repository.


Beginning with DSA 16.10.01, the config_fabrics command defines the routing data path between TPA nodes and media servers using a parameter file. For best performance when using network fabric, make sure dsc.properties has validate.fabric=on.


The config_general command configures the general settings, based on the information contained in the parameters XML file.


The config_media_servers command configures the BAR media servers.


The config_nbu command configures a DSA system to use Veritas NetBackup third-party software to back up and restore data.


The config_repository_backup command provides the configuration information to back up the DSC repository.


The config_systems command configures the DSC settings for the Teradata system used for backup and restore jobs. It also sets the selector in the targeted system for ActiveMQ and establishes a JDBC connection to the target system. Nodes are configured automatically after restarting DSMain on the system.


The config_target_groups command configures the target groups based on the target type and the information from the parameters file.


The config_target_group_map command configures the map between target groups when restoring to a different client configuration.


The delete_component command deletes an existing component based on the information in the parameters.


The delete_target_group_map command deletes a target group map for restoring to a different client configuration.


The disable_component command disables an existing BAR component based on the component name and type.


The enable_component command enables an existing BAR component based on the component name and type.


The export_config command exports the current XML definition for the requested BAR component.


The export_job_metadata command exports metadata of a job (job definition, save sets, and targets) based on the requested backup version. In the case of a disaster to the DSC repository, exporting and then importing job metadata enables job migration and restoration to a different DSA environment.


The export_target_group_map command exports a map between target groups for restoring to a different client configuration.


The list_access_module command lists available access module types for a named media server.


The list_cleanup_ir_source_system command lists the results of cleanup_ir_source_system.

The list_components command lists components defined and stored in the DSC repository. If a specific component is requested, that component definition is displayed. Otherwise, a list of the components matching any provided filters is displayed. Any partial component name returns all components matching the partial input.
The Type parameter is required.

The list_consumers command sends a request to ActiveMQ to provide information about all of the consumers of DSA Network Client and DSMain processes. It checks whether the selector values match the names of the DSA Network Client and DSMain systems and that the processes are running.


The list_general_settings command lists all current general settings.


The list_repository_backup_settings command lists all current repository backup settings.


The list_reset_ir_target_system command lists the results of reset_ir_target_system.


The list_target_group_map command lists the maps between target groups for restoring to a different client configuration.


The reset_ir_target_system command enables incremental restore on the target system.

DSA Operating Commands

The following table lists and briefly describes the management and reporting commands:

Command Name Description

The abort_job command aborts an actively running job, a job in the queue, or a job that is not responding.


The activate_job command activates a retired job, so that it is available.


The build_restore_objects command enables read and write on all the objects in the restore job without running the restore and / or builds the secondary indexes of the object.


The consolidate_job_logs command uploads all logs for a completed job to a centralized location. If the job is running, the command is rejected.


The create_job command creates a job based on the values you specify for parameters in the command line or in the XML file. Parameter values you enter in the command line supersede any value you enter for those parameters in the parameters XML file.

The delete_job command deletes a job and any data associated with it from the DSC repository. Any logs and job history are deleted and cannot be restored. Any backup save sets created for the job that exist on devices managed by third-party solutions must be deleted manually using the interface for that solution.
This command only deletes new or retired jobs.

The delete_save_sets command deletes the backup save sets for a backup job using a single or multiple job execution ID. It does not delete save sets for repository jobs.


The export_job command exports the current XML definition for the requested job.


The export_job_metadata command exports metadata of a job (job definition, save sets, and targets) based on the requested backup version. In the case of a disaster to the DSC repository, exporting and then importing job metadata enables job migration and restoration to a different DSA environment.


The import_job_metadata command imports metadata of a job (job definition, save sets, and targets) to the specified directory. In the case of a disaster to the DSC repository, exporting and then importing job metadata enables job migration and restoration to a different DSA environment.


The job_status command gets the latest status for a job with the given name and displays it on the screen. If the job is running, a detailed status message is displayed, unless the job is collecting cumulative status on a restarted restore job. In that case, the status is not available until the job is complete. If the job is not running, the status of the last run for that job is displayed.


The job_status_log command displays the latest status log for a job with the given name if the job is running. If the job is not running, the status log for the last run job is displayed.


The list_build_restore_objects command lists the status of the build_restore_objects command.


The list_consumers command sends a request to ActiveMQ to provide information about all of the consumers of DSA Network Client and DSMain processes. It checks whether the selector values match the names of the DSA Network Client and DSMain systems and that the processes are running.


The list_jobs command lists jobs defined and stored in the DSC repository. If a specific job is requested, that job definition is displayed. Otherwise, a list of job names matching any provided filters is displayed. If no parameters are provided, a list of jobs (excluding backup repository jobs) is displayed.


The list_query_backupids command lists the results of the query returned from the query_backupids command.


The list_recover_backup_metadata command lists the overall status and individual media server status of the recover_backup_metadata command.


The list_save_sets command lists all valid save sets for a specified job name.


The object_release command releases all objects that are currently locked by a job. It does not release objects for new, running, or queued jobs.


The object_release_output command lists the status of objects requested for release using object_release. It provides a more accessible information to release locked objects using DSC Client. It can be run for all jobs that perform locking on their objects.


The purge_jobs command can be used for cleaning up DSC repository when resources are not released after aborting jobs. The command will abort any jobs and purge the resources used by any incomplete jobs. When no job name is provided, it purges resources used by all jobs in BAR and BARBACKUP.


The query_backupids command queries third-party software for information needed for duplication.


The recover_backup_metadata command queries the third party media to recover backup metadata and rebuild the backup job plan in the case of a disaster to the DSC repository. The command can only run on repository backup jobs with no save sets.


The retire_job command retires an active job. It does not retire a running or queued status job, or one that is already in the retired state.


The run_job command runs a job as soon as all necessary resources are available. The DSC system limit is set at 20 concurrent running jobs, and up to 20 jobs can queue over that limit. The DSC also queues jobs if the defined target media is not available before the job starts.


The run_repository_job command runs a job in the DSC repository.


The set_status_rate command configures the status update rate between DSC and the media servers or Teradata systems.


The system_health command lists ActiveMQ system health information such as the memory limit and memory usage for the main DSA queues.


The sync_save_sets command sends a sync request to all NetBackup and Spectrum clients that have save sets older than the dataset.retention.days value configured in dsc.properties. If the save sets are expired on the NetBackup or Spectrum side and no restore or analyze job is configured to use them, DSC deletes them from the DSC repository. If it is the last save set and a restore or analyze job is configured to use it, it will not be deleted until there is a newer save set. No scheduled or ad hoc jobs can run until the deletion completes.


The update_job command updates an existing DSA job based on the information from the command line parameters or the XML file if provided. Parameter values specified in the command line supersede values entered for the same parameters in the XML file.