DSA Command-Line Interface Job Options | Teradata DSA - DSA Command-Line Interface Job Options - BAR - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata® DSA User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
You can select and define job options for backup, restore, and analyze jobs by specifying the values for the options in the XML file containing the job definition.
Important: The XML files in the sample library and the files produced by the BAR Operations portlet have the XML in a specific order. For the jobs to run correctly, do not change the order of the XML within the files.
Job Option Description Job Type
online Determines the type of backup to perform.
Default. Backs up everything associated with each specified object while the database is offline. No updates can be made to the objects during the backup job run.
Backs up everything associated with each specified object and initiates an online archive for all objects being archived. The online archive creates a log that contains all changes to the objects while the archive is prepared.
A DBC only backup job cannot be run as online.
nosync Determines where synchronization is done for the job. Only available for online backup jobs.
Default. Synchronization occurs across all tables simultaneously. If you try to run a job that includes objects that are already being logged, the job aborts.
Allows different synchronization points. If you try to run a job that includes objects that are already being logged, the job runs to completion and returns a warning.
data_phase Determines the type of backup to perform.
Default. Performs a full backup.
Performs a dictionary-only backup.
enable_backup_for_IR Establishes that this backup is available for incremental restore.
Default. Backup is standard CBB backup.
Backup save set is available for incremental restore.
single_object_locking Determines when the locking of individual tables occurs during backup.
Default. All tables are locked initially when the database is backed up.
Tables are locked individually while backing up the database.
enable_temperature_override Optional setting that pertains to restore jobs only.
The temperature_override value is applied when restoring the data.
The temperature from the backup is applied.
Determines the temperature at which data is restored.
Default. This data is restored at the default temperature setting for the system.
This data is accessed frequently.
This data is accessed less frequently.
This data is accessed least frequently.
Defines data compression used.
Default. Applies same data compression as the backup job if allowed on the destination system.
Compress data at the block level if allowed on the destination system.
Restore the data blocks uncompressed.
disable_fallback Fallback protection means that a copy of every table row is maintained on a different AMP in the configuration. Fallback-protected tables are always fully accessible and are automatically recovered by the system.

[Teradata Database 16.20 Update 1 and later] Always true. Changes are ignored.

[Prior versions Teradata Database] Default is false. Must be entered in lowercase letters.
The disable_fallback option only takes effect when the run_as_copy value is true.
Allows tagging of sessions or transactions with a set of user-defined name-value pairs to identify where a query originated. These identifiers are in addition to the current set of session identification fields, such as user ID, account string, client ID, and application name.
Valid query band values are defined on the database.
  • Backup
  • Restore
Determines the types of messages that the database job logs.
Default. Enables minimal logging. Provides only error messages.
Adds warning messages to error message logging.
Provides informational messages with warning and error messages to the job log.
Enables full logging. All messages, including Debug, are sent to the job log.
  • Backup
  • Restore
skip_joinhash_index Determines whether join and hash indexes are skipped or excluded from a backup job.
Default. Indexes are backed up.
Join and hash indexes are skipped.
Note the following for restore jobs:
  • If restore job is set to true and the backup contains join/hash indexes, the restore job fails.
  • If restore job is set to false and the backup job was set to true, the restore receives a warning.
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Data Migration
reblock Determines level of inserts, either row or block level. This option is valid only for the same configuration restore. Different configuration restore always use row level inserts.
Default. The restore uses block level inserts.
The restore uses row level inserts, forcing reblocking when tables must be restored matching the destination system default block size.
  • Required when the backup is restored to a different AMP configuration, hash function, hash bucket, row format or block alignment.
  • Optional when the backup is restored from a system with different block size than the destination system and the block size of the restored data objects must match the destination system block size.
run_as_copy Allows restore to run as a copy.
  • Default value is false.
  • If true, the restore runs as a copy.
skip_archive [Optional] true or false. Skip archive during backup or restore job in case of error in access rights.

Supported in Analytics Database 16.20 and later / Teradata Database 15.10.01 and later.

  • Backup
  • Restore
skip_stats [Optional] true or false. Skips collecting statistics during a backup job. Skips restoring stats during a restore job. Supported in Analytics Database 16.20 and later / Teradata Database 16.0 and later.
  • Backup
  • Restore
config_map_name [Optional] Maximum of 128 characters. Hash map name to restore to. When applied to the DATABASE/USER level, only objects under DATABASE/USER and object type of TABLE, NO PI TABLE, or QUEUE TABLE are applied with the new map.
If you have defined map_to, rename_to, or config_map_name for table level objects, this affects the results of a database level restore job definition.
  • If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is not set at the database level, the DSC expands objects under the database and treats the restore job as table level restore.
  • If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is set at the database level, the table level definitions are ignored, and the DSC treats the restore job as database level restore.
track_empty_tables [Optional] true or false. Tracks empty tables during a backup job.

Supported in Analytics Database 16.20 and later / Teradata Database 16.0 and later.

concurrent_bld_per_tbl [Optional] Range is 1 to 5. Number of index and fallback subtables that can be built concurrently per table during restore.

Supported in Analytics Database 16.20 and later / Teradata Database 16.0 and later.

map_to [Optional] Map one database to a new database or map a table level object under multiple databases to a new database. Applies to all objects in the restore job.

Supported in Analytics Database 16.20 and later / Teradata Database 16.0 and later

If you have defined map_to, rename_to, or config_map_name for table level objects, this affects the results of a database level restore job definition.
  • If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is not set at the database level, the DSC expands objects under the database and treats the restore job as table level restore.
  • If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is set at the database level, the table level definitions are ignored, and the DSC treats the restore job as database level restore.
rename_to [Optional] Maximum of 128 characters. Rename a table to this name.
If you have defined map_to, rename_to, or config_map_name for table level objects, this affects the results of a database level restore job definition.
  • If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is not set at the database level, the DSC expands objects under the database and treats the restore job as table level restore.
  • If database is selected and includeAll attribute, map_to, or config_map_name is set at the database level, the table level definitions are ignored, and the DSC treats the restore job as database level restore.
stream_softlimit [Optional] Range is 1-max soft limit of the stream soft limit, where max is the number of AMPs per node in the system. Overrides the system level stream soft limit.
  • Backup
  • Restore
  • Analyze_Validate
include_DBC_data Establishes that this backup/restore is available for incremental restore with DBC.
  • False: Default. Backup does not include DBC tables.
  • True: Backup and Restore includes the DBC tables while execution.
Backup, Restore