Advanced Job Status Enhancements - BAR - Data Stream Architecture

Teradata® DSA User Guide

Data Stream Architecture
Release Number
November 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Advanced Job Status Enhancements provides a detailed status of running jobs and the progress of DSA jobs and commands. It provides detailed and consistent job progress and object status, for example, which step a job is currently running. In addition, it provides advanced reporting for job_status and job_status_log commands.

Beginning from jobs using the DBS 17.10, the Advanced Job Status Enhancements are enabled. However, AJSE feature is disabled by default from DSC 17.20.02, for all jobs, though supported by DBS. Beginning, it can be enabled at the job level even though it is disabled at DSC level for all jos. To enable the feature, set adv_job_progress_stats to TRUE in job_options during job creation.

Advanced Job Status Enhancements has a flag in that allows you to turn the feature on for all jobs if required. To enable the AJSE features for all the jobs, set the field disable.ajse to FALSE defined in the $DSA_CONFIG_DIR/ file.

The following tables show new fields for Advanced Job Status Enhancements. They do not appear for analyze and repository jobs.

Job Status
New Field Description Applies to
HUT Lock Status Overall lock status of the job’s objects. Backups, Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement, Copy jobs.
HUT Locks Acquired Timestamp in the Dictionary phase that indicates when the job’s objects have been locked. Backups, Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement, Copy Jobs.
Task Sets Given a job that is restored to a system with less AMPs than from the system it was backed up, amount of passes the streams need to do on the backup files in order to complete the restore. This field appears in the Data Phase. Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement, Copy Jobs.
Primary Subtables Sorted Count, Online Subtables Sorted, Count Primary Lob, Subtables Sorted Count. This information displays between Data and Build Phase. Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement, Copy Jobs.
Fallback Subtables Built Count, Fallback Lob Subtables Built Count, Secondary Index Subtables Built Count, Fallback USI Subtables Built. This information displays in the Build phase. Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement, Copy Jobs.
Job Status Log
New Field Description Applies to
Online Status Indicates whether the given object is online. Backups, Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement.
Online Enabled Timestamp Displays timestamp when the given object becomes online. Backups, Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement.
Subtable type, State, Sort Start Time, and Sort End Time Provides information about the given subtable object’s sort phase. Restores, Data Migration, Data Movement, Copy Jobs.


Advanced Job Status Enhancements do not support ELM jobs as there is no phase identity in this type. ELM jobs allow for each object to perform dictionary and data independent of each other. Regular jobs make all objects go through dictionary phase and data or build phase together, hence it provides phase details for regular jobs.