Beginning with DSA 16.20.12 and Analytics Database 16.20 Feature Update 1, you have the ability to restart an restore job that failed, aborted, or completed with errors or warnings. The restarted job begins after the last successful step. This functionality is available from both the BAR Operations portlet and the command line.
The following items prevent a restore job from restarting:
- DBC only restore cannot be restarted
- Original restore job did not complete dictionary phase
- Change in job definition except: logging level, job description, retire date, or job state
- AMP down
- SYSINIT since original job
A restarted job may place a table level HUT lock even if the original job definition is a database level restore.
For example, Job1 copies DB1 and DB2 at the database level. DB1 and DB2 have table1, table2, and table3 respectively, and the job aborts after DB1.table1 is complete. DB1 is partially complete and no object in DB2 is complete. In this case, the restart job places a table level lock on DB1.table2 and DB1.table3 and places a database level lock on DB2.