Use these steps to create a standard CBB backup job. For IR-enabled backups, see Using Incremental Restore to Maintain Your DR System.
- Open the BAR Operations portlet.
- Select New Job.If the New Job window does not appear, select the Saved Jobs tab.
- On the New Job screen:
- Select Backup as the job type.
- [Optional] To migrate objects from an existing ARC or TARA script, click Browse and select the script.
- Click OK.
- Under New Backup Job:
- Enter a unique Job Name.
- Select a Source System.
- In Enter System Credentials, enter a user name and password for the system.Account String information is not required.The password is applied to all jobs associated with this system and user account.
- Select a Target Group.
- [Optional] Enter a job description.
- Select the Objects tab.
- Select the objects from the source system to backup.
- [Optional] Select Selection Summary to verify the selected objects..Size information is not available for DBC only backup jobs. N/A displays as the size value for DBC only backup jobs.
- [Optional] To adjust job settings for the job, click the Job Settings tab.
- Click Save.The newly created backup job is listed in the Saved Jobs view.
- Click next to a job.
- Select Run.
- Select OK.
- Select the Job Scope: Full.A newly created job only has Full as the available Job Scope. When you rerun an existing job, Delta and Cumulative are available.
- Select Run.
Create the Job
Run the Job