Use these steps to restore a backup of DSC repository metadata.
If you abort a DSC repository restore job while the job is in progress or if the restore job fails, DSC repository metadata will be corrupted. DSC triggers a command to restore all repository tables to their initial state, which is an empty table.
- Open the BAR Setup portlet.
- Under DSC Servers, select your DSC server.
- From the Categories list, click Repository Backup.
- On the Replication tab, select one of the following:
- Landing Zone --> Replication Target (Replication To): Replicates an existing save set to the replication target third party storage.
- Replication Target --> Landing Zone (Replication From): Replicates a save set from the third party storage back to the landing zone.
- Select the Replication Target.
- Click Run Job.
- If the restore job ends with a warning, follow these steps:
- Check the job status.In the following example, 2 is the bucket number and replication-S3 is the replication target group.dsc save_sets_replication_status -b 2 -n replication-S3
- If the status indicates the foreign keys were not restored, run the foreign key repair script:/opt/teradata/client/version/dsa/dsc/recreateFk_version.shWhen the restore job is complete, the BAR Setup and BAR Operations portlets become available.
- Check the job status.