The list_target_group_map command lists the maps between target groups for restoring to a different client configuration.
list_target_group_map -s|-source SampSrc -d|-destination SampDest
dsc list_target_group_map -s SampSrc -d SampDest
The parameters are optional. However, if you specify one of the parameters, you must also specify the other parameter.
- s|source SampSrc
- The source target group represents the backup target group for mapping.
- d|destination SampDest
- The destination target group represents the restore target group for mapping.
- t|type Type
- [Optional] The type of the target group map. This parameter is not used if source or destination is specified. Target group map types are DDBOOST, REMOTE_FILE, REMOTE_MEDIA, S_3, and AZURE.
- V|virtual
- [Optional] Indicates this is a mapping from a virtual target group to a physical target group.
XML File Example
This command does not support an XML file.