Certain changes to the Job Definition require a full backup for an IR enabled backup instead of incremental.These changes include the following:
- reset_ir_target_system was run on the IR-enabled target system
- Reset was run from the BAR Setup portlet on the target system:
- build_restore_objects was run with the -a|allow_write option on the IR-enabled restore job
- Build restore objects was run from the BAR Operations portlet:
From an IR-enabled restore job, select
- run_job was executed with the -a|allow_write option on the IR-enabled restore job
- Run job with allow write option was run from the BAR Operations portlet:
From an IR-enabled restore job, select Allow write for objects after restore.
, then select
Changes to These Elements Force a Full Restore
XML File | BAR Operations Portlet |
anything within <objectlist> | Objects Tab: Objects |
<all_backup_objects> | Objects Tab: Objects |
<source_media> | Target Group |
<enable_temperature_override> | Advanced Settings: Override Temperature |
<temperature_override> | Advanced Settings: Override Temperature |
<block_level_compression> | Advanced Settings: Block Level Compression |
Job Settings tab: Disable fallback
<query_band> | Job Settings Tab: Query Band |
<run_as_copy> | Job Settings Tab: Run as copy |
<skip_stats> | Advanced Settings button: Skip statistics |
<config_map_name> | Advanced Settings button: Destination System Hash Map |
<map_to> | Advanced Settings button: Map to a different database on destination system |
<skip_joinhash_index> | Advanced Settings button: Skip join/hash index |
XML File | BAR Setup Portlet |
<target_tdpid> | target systems (destination system) |
Changes to These Elements Do Not Affect IR-Enabled Restore
XML File | BAR Operations Portlet |
<job_description> | Description |
<auto_retire> | Job Settings Tab: Automatically Retire |
<retire_value> | Job Settings Tab: enter value |
<retire_units> | Job Settings Tab: DAYS or WEEKS |
<dsmain_logging_level> | Job Settings Tab: Logging Level |
<reblock> | Not available in portlet for edit |
<skip_archive> | Abort On Access Rights Violation checkbox |
<concurrent_bld_per_tbl> | Advanced Settings: Concurrent Builds Per Table |
<streams_softlimit> | Advanced Settings: Limit the maximum streams per node for this job |
<skip_build_secondary_indexes> | Advance Settings: Skip build secondary indexes |
Changing between next_incremental_restore and backup_version |