For the first phase of incremental restore with Analytics Database 16.20 Update 2, the following limitations and restrictions apply:
- DBC only jobs are not supported.
- The incremental restore job must be created from an incremental restore enabled backup job.
- The next incremental restore option can only process one save set at at a time. You select the backup to start from and run the job repeatedly till you get to the save set you want restored.
- You cannot stop this command: build_restore_objects.
- You can stop these commands only through cnsterm 6:
- To stop cleanup_ir_source_system, run this command from the source database:
start bardsmain -a|abort c|cleanup
- To stop reset_ir_target_system, run this command from the target database:
start bardsmain -a|abort r|reset
- To stop cleanup_ir_source_system, run this command from the source database:
- SQLE and later versions support online incremental restore.
- You cannot restart an incremental restore job.
- Enhanced locking management is not supported with IR.
- IR does not work with a down AMP.
- LOGGING INCREMENTAL ARCHIVE is not retried indefinitely.