The get_license() function allows a user to get the license information set by the set_license() at the session level.
Example Setup
>>> import os, teradataml
>>> from teradataml import save_byom, get_license, set_license
Example 1: License is passed as a string
>>> set_license(license='eZSy3peBVRtjA-ibVuvNw5A5sUL9KU_kP35Vq4ZNBQ3iGY6oVSpE6g97sFY2LI', source='string') The license parameters are set. The license is: eZSy3peBVRtjA-ibVuvNw5A5sUL9KU_kP35Vq4ZNBQ3iGY6oVSpE6g97sFY2LI
>>> get_license() The license is: eZSy3peBVRtjA-ibVuvNw5A5sUL9KU_kP35Vq4ZNBQ3iGY6oVSpE6g97sFY2LI
Example 2: License is present in a column of a table
In this example, license is present in column 'license_data' of the table 'byom_licensed_models'.
>>> set_license(license='license_data', table_name='byom_licensed_models', schema_name='alice', source='column') The license parameters are set. The license is present in the table='byom_licensed_models', schema='alice' and column='license_data'.
>>> get_license() The license is stored in: table = 'byom_licensed_models' schema = 'alice' column = 'license_data'