groupby() Method | Teradata Python Package - groupby() Method - Teradata Package for Python

Teradata® Package for Python User Guide

Teradata Package for Python
Release Number
December 2024
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage

Use the groupby() method to group one or more columns of a DataFrame.

The method takes a column name or a list of column names to group by.

  • You can still apply teradataml DataFrame methods (filters/sort/etc) on top of the result of this one.
  • Consecutive operations of grouping, i.e., groupby_time(), resample() and groupby() are not permitted. An exception will be raised. Following are some cases where exception will be raised as "Invalid operation applied, check documentation for correct usage."
    • df.groupby().groupby()
    • df.groupby().resample()
    • df.groupby().groupby_time()

Examples Prerequisite

Assume a teradata DataFrame "df" is created based on the table "admissions_train", using the command:

>>> df = DataFrame("admissions_train")
>>> df
   masters   gpa     stats programming admitted
13      no  4.00  Advanced      Novice        1
26     yes  3.57  Advanced    Advanced        1
5       no  3.44    Novice      Novice        0
19     yes  1.98  Advanced    Advanced        0
15     yes  4.00  Advanced    Advanced        1
40     yes  3.95    Novice    Beginner        0
7      yes  2.33    Novice      Novice        1
22     yes  3.46    Novice    Beginner        0
36      no  3.00  Advanced      Novice        0
38     yes  2.65  Advanced    Beginner        1

Example 1: Groups by one column and finds the min

The following example groups by column "masters" and finds the min for the groups in "masters":

>>> df2 = df.groupby("masters")
>>> df2.min()
  masters min_id  min_gpa min_stats min_programming min_admitted
0      no      3     1.87  advanced        advanced            0
1     yes      1     1.98  advanced        advanced            0

Example 2: Groups by two columns and finds the min and max

This example finds the min and max grouped by "masters" and "programming":

>>> df3 = df.groupby(["masters", "programming"])
>>> df3.min()
  masters programming min_id  min_gpa min_stats min_admitted
0      no    Advanced      8     3.13  Advanced            1
1     yes    Beginner      1     2.65  Advanced            0
2     yes      Novice      4     2.33  Advanced            0
3      no    Beginner      3     3.68    Novice            1
4     yes    Advanced      6     1.98  Advanced            0
5      no      Novice      5     1.87  Advanced            0
>>> df3.max()
  masters programming max_id  max_gpa max_stats max_admitted
0      no      Novice     37     4.00    Novice            1
1      no    Advanced     28     3.96  Beginner            1
2      no    Beginner     35     3.87    Novice            1
3     yes    Advanced     27     4.00  Beginner            1
4     yes      Novice     30     3.79    Novice            1
5     yes    Beginner     40     4.00    Novice            1

Example 3: Select multiple columns, followed by groupby and find the min

This example selects "id", "masters", "gpa", "stats", followed by a groupby on "masters", and finds the min.

>>> df1 =["id", "masters", "gpa", "stats"])
>>> df2 = df1.groupby("masters")
>>> df2.min()
  masters min_id  min_gpa min_stats
0      no      3     1.87  advanced
1     yes      1     1.98  advanced