Use the tail() method to print the last n rows of a DataFrame.
The method takes the optional argument n number of rows to print. Default value is dependent on the value of the teradataml DataFrame display option max_rows, which is by default 10.
The DataFrame is sorted on the index column or the first column if there is no index column. The column type must support sorting.
Unsupported types include: 'BLOB', 'CLOB', 'ARRAY', 'VARRAY'.
Example 1: Print default number of rows
The following example prints the default last 10 rows of "admissions_train" sorted by id.
>>>df.tail() masters gpa stats programming admitted id 38 yes 2.65 advanced beginner 1 36 no 3.00 advanced novice 0 35 no 3.68 novice beginner 1 34 yes 3.85 advanced beginner 0 32 yes 3.46 advanced beginner 0 31 yes 3.50 advanced beginner 1 33 no 3.55 novice novice 1 37 no 3.52 novice novice 1 39 yes 3.75 advanced beginner 0 40 yes 3.95 novice beginner 0
Example 2: Print n rows
The following example prints the last 3 rows of "admissions_train":
>>>df.tail(3) masters gpa stats programming admitted id 38 yes 2.65 advanced beginner 1 39 yes 3.75 advanced beginner 0 40 yes 3.95 novice beginner 0
The following example prints the last 15 rows of "admissions_train":
>>>df.tail(15) masters gpa stats programming admitted id 38 yes 2.65 advanced beginner 1 36 no 3.00 advanced novice 0 35 no 3.68 novice beginner 1 34 yes 3.85 advanced beginner 0 32 yes 3.46 advanced beginner 0 31 yes 3.50 advanced beginner 1 30 yes 3.79 advanced novice 0 29 yes 4.00 novice beginner 0 28 no 3.93 advanced advanced 1 27 yes 3.96 advanced advanced 0 26 yes 3.57 advanced advanced 1 33 no 3.55 novice novice 1 37 no 3.52 novice novice 1 39 yes 3.75 advanced beginner 0 40 yes 3.95 novice beginner 0