Create a TDSeries object from a teradataml DataFrame representing a SERIES in time series which is used as input to Unbounded Array Framework (UAF), time series functions.
A series is a one-dimensional array. They are the basic input of UAF functions. A series is identified by its series ID, that is, the id argument, and indexed by its row_index argument.
Series is passed to and returned from UAF functions as wavelets. Wavelets are collections of rows, grouped by one or more fields, and ordered on the row_axis argument.
Any operations like filter, select, sum, and so on, over TDSeries returns a teradataml DataFrame.
- data: Specifies the teradataml DataFrame.
- id: Specifies the name of the column in data containing the identifier values.
- row_index: Specifies the name of the column in data containing the row indexing values.
- row_index_style: Specifies the style of row indexing.
Permitted values are "TIMECODE" (default value), "SEQUENCE".
- in_sequence: Specifies a sequence of series to plot.
- payload_field: Specifies the names of the fields for payload.
- payload_content: Specifies the payload content type.Permitted values:
- "REAL"
- layer: Specifies the layer name of the ART table, if dataframe is created on ART table.
- interval: Specifies the indicator to divide a series into a collection of intervals along its row-axis.interval is categorized in to 4 types:
- Values represent time-duration. Allowed values include:
- Values represent time-zero. Allowed values include:
- Values represent an integer or floating number.
Allowed values include a positive integer or float ranging from 1 to 32767, inclusively.
- sequence-zero.
This is an expression which evaluates to an INTEGER or FLOAT. Used when row_index_style is SEQUENCE.
Permitted values for argument interval include individual values or combined values from the following:- time-duration
- time-duration, time-zero
- integer
- float, integer
- sequence-zero
- float, sequence-zero
- Values represent time-duration.
Example 1: Create TDSeries
>>> from teradataml import create_context, load_example_data, DataFrame, TDSeries
>>> con = create_context(host = host, user=user, password=passw)
>>> load_example_data("dataframe", "admissions_train")
# Create a DataFrame to be passed as input to TDSeries. >>> data = DataFrame("admissions_train")
# Create TDSeries object which can be used as Series_Spec input in UAF functions. >>> result = TDSeries(data=data, id="admitted", row_index="admitted", payload_field="abc", payload_content="REAL")
>>> result masters gpa stats programming admitted id 5 no 3.44 Novice Novice 0 34 yes 3.85 Advanced Beginner 0 13 no 4.00 Advanced Novice 1 40 yes 3.95 Novice Beginner 0 22 yes 3.46 Novice Beginner 0 19 yes 1.98 Advanced Advanced 0 36 no 3.00 Advanced Novice 0 15 yes 4.00 Advanced Advanced 1 7 yes 2.33 Novice Novice 1 17 no 3.83 Advanced Advanced 1