user_function |
Required |
function or functools.partial |
Specifies the user-defined function to apply to each row in the teradataml DataFrame. |
exec_mode |
Optional |
string |
Specifies the mode of execution for the user-defined function. |
chunk_size |
Optional |
integer |
Specifies the number of rows to be read in each chunk, using an iterator to apply the user-defined function to each row in the chunk. |
num_rows |
Optional |
integer |
Specifies the maximum number of sample rows from the teradataml DataFrame to apply the user-defined function when exec_mode is 'LOCAL'. |
returns |
Optional |
Dictionary specifying column name to teradatasqlalchemy type mapping |
Specifies the output column definition corresponding to the output of user_function. |
delimiter |
Optional |
One-character string |
Specifies a delimiter to use when reading columns from a row and writing result columns. |
quotechar |
Optional |
One-character string |
Specifies a character that forces all input and output of the user function to be quoted using this specified character. |
auth |
Optional |
string |
Specifies the authorization to use when running the user_function. |
charset |
Optional |
string |
Specifies the character encoding for data. |
data_order_column |
Optional |
string OR list of strings |
Specifies the Order By columns for the teradataml DataFrame. |
is_local_order |
Optional |
bool |
Specifies a boolean value to determine whether the input data is to be ordered locally or not. |
nulls_first |
Optional |
bool |
Specifies a boolean value to determine whether NULLs are listed first or last during ordering. |
sort_ascending |
Optional |
bool |
Specifies a boolean value to determine if the result set is to be sorted on the data_order_column column in ascending or descending order. |