Examples: How to use DataFrame.map_row() | Teradata Package for Python - Examples: How to use DataFrame.map_row() - Teradata Package for Python

Teradata® Package for Python User Guide

Teradata Package for Python
Release Number
December 2024
Product Category
Teradata Vantage

Example setup

>>> # This example uses the 'admissions_train' dataset.
>>> # Load the example data.
>>> load_example_data("dataframe", "admissions_train")
>>> df = DataFrame('admissions_train')
>>> print(df)
   masters   gpa     stats programming  admitted
5       no  3.44    Novice      Novice         0
34     yes  3.85  Advanced    Beginner         0
13      no  4.00  Advanced      Novice         1
40     yes  3.95    Novice    Beginner         0
22     yes  3.46    Novice    Beginner         0
19     yes  1.98  Advanced    Advanced         0
36      no  3.00  Advanced      Novice         0
15     yes  4.00  Advanced    Advanced         1
7      yes  2.33    Novice      Novice         1
17      no  3.83  Advanced    Advanced         1

Example 1: Create a user defined function to increase the 'gpa' by the percentage provided

Input to and output from the function is a Pandas Series object.
>>> def increase_gpa(row, p=20):
        row['gpa'] = row['gpa'] + row['gpa'] * p/100
        return row
>>> # Apply the user defined function to the DataFrame.
>>> # Note that since the output of the user defined function expects the same columns
>>> # with the same types, we can skip passing the 'returns' argument.
>>> increase_gpa_20 = df.map_row(increase_gpa)
>>> # Print the result.
>>> print(increase_gpa_20)
   masters    gpa     stats programming  admitted
13      no  4.800  Advanced      Novice         1
36      no  3.600  Advanced      Novice         0
15     yes  4.800  Advanced    Advanced         1
40     yes  4.740    Novice    Beginner         0
22     yes  4.152    Novice    Beginner         0
38     yes  3.180  Advanced    Beginner         1
26     yes  4.284  Advanced    Advanced         1
5       no  4.128    Novice      Novice         0
7      yes  2.796    Novice      Novice         1
19     yes  2.376  Advanced    Advanced         0

Example 2: Use the same user defined function with a lambda notation to pass the percentage 'p = 40'

>>> increase_gpa_40 = df.map_row(lambda row: increase_gpa(row, p = 40))
>>> print(increase_gpa_40)
   masters    gpa     stats programming  admitted
5       no  4.816    Novice      Novice         0
34     yes  5.390  Advanced    Beginner         0
13      no  5.600  Advanced      Novice         1
40     yes  5.530    Novice    Beginner         0
22     yes  4.844    Novice    Beginner         0
19     yes  2.772  Advanced    Advanced         0
36      no  4.200  Advanced      Novice         0
15     yes  5.600  Advanced    Advanced         1
7      yes  3.262    Novice      Novice         1
17      no  5.362  Advanced    Advanced         1

Example 3: Use the same user defined function with functools.partial to pass the percentage 'p = 50'

>>> from functools import partial
>>> increase_gpa_50 = df.map_row(partial(increase_gpa, p = 50))
>>> print(increase_gpa_50)
   masters    gpa     stats programming  admitted
5       no  5.160    Novice      Novice         0
34     yes  5.775  Advanced    Beginner         0
13      no  6.000  Advanced      Novice         1
40     yes  5.925    Novice    Beginner         0
22     yes  5.190    Novice    Beginner         0
19     yes  2.970  Advanced    Advanced         0
36      no  4.500  Advanced      Novice         0
15     yes  6.000  Advanced    Advanced         1
7      yes  3.495    Novice      Novice         1
17      no  5.745  Advanced    Advanced         1

Example 4: Use a lambda function to increase the 'gpa' by 50 percent, and return numpy ndarray

>>> from numpy import asarray
>>> increase_gpa_lambda = lambda row, p=20: asarray([row['id'], row['masters'], row['gpa'] + row['gpa'] * p/100,
                                                     row['stats'], row['programming'], row['admitted']])
>>> increase_gpa_100 = df.map_row(lambda row: increase_gpa_lambda(row, p=100))
>>> print(increase_gpa_100)
   masters   gpa     stats programming  admitted
5       no  6.88    Novice      Novice         0
34     yes  7.70  Advanced    Beginner         0
13      no  8.00  Advanced      Novice         1
40     yes  7.90    Novice    Beginner         0
22     yes  6.92    Novice    Beginner         0
19     yes  3.96  Advanced    Advanced         0
36      no  6.00  Advanced      Novice         0
15     yes  8.00  Advanced    Advanced         1
7      yes  4.66    Novice      Novice         1
17      no  7.66  Advanced    Advanced         1