teradataml and users cannot authenticate with VantageCloud Lake Open Analytics Framework APIs.
The root cause of this issue is that VantageCloud Lake requires creation of Open Analytics Framework OAuth client device before any client user can connect to Open Analytics Framework User Environment Service.
Interim Solution
- Server side: Open a Teradata incident on this issue, or request your Teradata account team to submit a Change Request (CR) to create the VantageCloud Lake Open Analytics Framework OAuth client device.
- Client side: Provide the client_id of the OAuth client device to the set_auth_token() teradataml API.For example:
set_auth_token(ues_url=getpass.getpass("ues_url : "), client_id)
client_id value has the format <org_name>-oaf-device, where <org_name> is the organization name, which can be taken from the URL to access the VantageCloud Lake Console. For example: https://<organization_name>.innovationlabs.teradata.com/
With teradataml, client_id is optional. teradataml will auto-populate the client_id value from ues_url.