The following tables list methods of teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn. For more details and examples, see Teradata Package for Python Function Reference.
Methods specific to Geospatial Data (All Geometry Types)
Method | Method Signature | Purpose | Return |
buffer | buffer(self, distance) | Return all points whose distance from a Geometry value is less than or equal to a specified distance. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
contains | contains(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value spatially contains another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
crosses | crosses(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value spatially crosses another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
difference | difference(self, geom_column) | Return a Geometry value that represents the point set difference of two Geometry values. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
disjoint | disjoint(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value is spatially disjoint from another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
distance | distance(self, geom_column) | Return the distance between two Geometry values. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
distance_3D | distance_3D(self, geom_column) | Return the distance between two Geometry values. Function considers Z coordinate values, if they exist in the geometries passed to it. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
envelope | envelope(self) | Return the bounding rectangle for the Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn with result column containing Geometry values |
geom_equals | geom_equals(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value is spatially equal to another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
intersection | intersection(self, geom_column) | Return a Geometry type where the value represents the point set intersection of two Geometry values. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
intersects | intersects(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value spatially intersects another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
make_2D | make_2D(self, validate=False) | Converts a 3D Geometry value to a 2D Geometry value, and optionally validates that the 2D geometry is well-formed. This method strips the z coordinate from 3D geometries. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
mbb | mbb(self) | Return the 3D minimum bounding box (MBB) that encloses a 3D Geometry. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
mbr | mbr(self) | Return the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of a Geometry value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
overlaps | overlaps(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value spatially overlaps another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
relates | relates(self, geom_column, amatrix) | Test if a Geometry value is spatially related to another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
set_srid | set_srid(self, srid) | Set the spatial reference system identifier of the Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains the Geometry with the spatial reference system identifier set to the specified spatial reference system. |
simplify | simplify(self, tolerance) | Simplify a geometry by removing points that would fall within a specified distance tolerance. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
sym_difference | sym_difference(self, geom_column) | Return a Geometry value that represents the point set symmetric difference of two Geometry values. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
to_binary | to_binary(self) | Return the well-known binary (WKB) representation of a Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn with result column containing BLOB value |
to_text | to_text(self) | Return the well-known text (WKT) representation of a Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn with result column containing CLOB value |
touches | touches(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value spatially touches another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
transform | transform(self, to_wkt_srs, from_wkt_srs, to_srsid=-12345) | Return a Geometry value transformed to the specified spatial reference system. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
union | union(self, geom_column) | Return a Geometry value that represents the point set union of two Geometry values. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
within | within(self, geom_column) | Test if a Geometry value is spatially within another Geometry value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
wkb_geom_to_sql | wkb_geom_to_sql(self, column) | Return a specified Geometry value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
wkt_geom_to_sql | wkt_geom_to_sql(self, column) | Return a specified Geometry value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
Methods for Point Geometry
Method | Method Signature | Purpose | Return |
spherical_buffer | spherical_buffer(self, distance, radius=6371000.0) | Return an MBR that represents the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of all points within a given distance from a point. The earth is modeled as a sphere. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
spherical_distance | spherical_distance(self, geom_column) | Return the spherical distance between two spherical coordinates on the planet using the Haversine Formula. Both coordinates must be specified as ST_Point values. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
spheroidal_buffer | spheroidal_buffer(self, distance, semimajor=6378137.0, invflattening=298.257223563) | Return an MBR that represents the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of all points within a given distance from the point. The earth is modeled as a spheroid. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
spheroidal_distance | spheroidal_distance(self, geom_column, semimajor=6378137.0, invflattening=298.257223563) | Return the distance, in meters, between two spherical coordinates. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
set_x | set_x(self, xcoord) | Set the X coordinate of an ST_Point value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
set_y | set_y(self, ycoord) | Set the Y coordinate of an ST_Point value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
set_z | set_z(self, zcoord) | Set the Z coordinate of an ST_Point value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
Methods for LineString Geometry
Method | Method Signature | Purpose | Return |
end_point | end_point(self) | Return the end point of an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains a NULL, if the Geometry is an empty set. |
length | length(self) | Return the length measurement of a Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString, GeoSequence, or ST_MultiLineString value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
length_3D | length_3D(self) | Return the length of a 3D LineString or MultiLineString, taking into account the Z coordinates in the calculation. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains a 0, if the LineString or MultiLineString is an empty set. |
line_interpolate_point | line_interpolate_point(self, proportion) | Return a point interpolated along a Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value, given a proportional distance along that line. | GeoDataFrameColumn with result column containing ST_Point Geometry values |
num_points | num_points(self) | Return the number of points in a Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains a NULL, if the Geometry is an empty set. |
point | point(self, position) | Return the specified point from a Geometry type that represents an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
start_point | start_point(self) | Return the start point of an ST_LineString or GeoSequence value. This method returns a point having a Z coordinate if the input geometry is three-dimensional.
teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
Methods for Polygon Geometry
Method | Method Signature | Purpose | Return |
interiors | interiors(self, position) | Return the specified interior ring of a Geometry type that represents an ST_Polygon value. | GeoDataFrameColumn with result column containing ST_LineString Geometry values |
num_interior_ring | num_interior_ring(self) | Return the number of interior rings of a Geometry type that represents an ST_Polygon value. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
point_on_surface | point_on_surface(self) | Return a point that is guaranteed to spatially intersect an ST_Polygon, or at least one of the component polygons of an ST_MultiPolygon. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
Methods for GeometryCollection Geometry
Method | Method Signature | Purpose | Return |
geom_component | geom_component(self, position) | Return the geometry of one component member of a composite geometry type (ST_GeomCollection, ST_MultiPoint, ST_MultiLineString, or ST_MultiPolygon). The element to be returned is specified by position with the collection. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
num_geometry | num_geometry(self) | Return the number of distinct geometries that constitute a composite geometry type (ST_GeomCollection, ST_MultiPoint, ST_MultiLineString, or ST_MultiPolygon). | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
Methods for GeoSequence Geometry
Method | Method Signature | Purpose | Return |
clip | clip(self, start_timestamp, end_timestamp) | Return a GeoSequence type containing the subset of points and associated data that lie between the two timestamp input arguments. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
get_final_timestamp | get_final_timestamp(self) | Return the TimeStamp of the last point of a GeoSequence. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
get_init_timestamp | get_init_timestamp(self) | Return the TimeStamp of the first point of a GeoSequence. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
get_link | get_link(self, index) | Get the link ID of a specified point in a GeoSequence. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
get_user_field | get_user_field(self, field_index, index) | Return the user field specified by "field_index" for the point specified by "index" for a GeoSequence type. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
get_user_field_count | get_user_field_count(self) | Return the number of user fields associated with each point of a GeoSequence. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
point_heading | point_heading(self, index) | Return the heading for the specified point of a GeoSequence. The value is calculated as the angle (in degrees) between a vertical line and the line segment from the specified point to the next point clockwise from the North. |
teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
set_link | set_link(self, index, link_id) | Set the link ID of a specified point in a GeoSequence. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
speed | speed(self, index=None, begin_index=None, end_index=None) | Return the approximate speed at a specified point (speed(index INTEGER)) or between two points (speed(iBegin INTEGER, iEnd INTEGER)) for a GeoSequence type. | teradataml GeoDataFrameColumn |
Filtering Functions and Methods
Method | Method Signature | Purpose | Return |
intersects_mbb | intersects_mbb(self, geom_column) | Test whether a 3D geometry spatially intersects a specified MBB. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
mbb_filter | mbb_filter(self, geom_column) | Test whether the MBBs of two 3D geometries spatially intersect. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
mbr_filter | mbr_filter(self, geom_column) | Test whether the MBRs of two 2D geometries spatially intersect. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains:
within_mbb | within_mbb(self, geom_column) | Test whether a 3D geometry is spatially within the bounds of a specified MBB. | GeoDataFrameColumn Resultant column contains: