Date Time Functions | DataFrame Column | Teradata Package for Python - Date Time Functions - Teradata Package for Python

Teradata® Package for Python User Guide

Teradata Package for Python
Release Number
December 2024
Product Category
Teradata Vantage

teradataml DataFrameColumn supports following set of date time functions.

See the Data Time Functions section of Teradata Package for Python Function Reference, B700-4008) at for detailed description and usage examples of these functions.

Data Time Functions supported by DataFrameColumn
Sr. No. Function Name Description
1 week_start() Returns the first date or timestamp of the week that begins immediately before the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
2 week_begin() This is an alias for week_start() function.
3 week_end() Returns the last date or timestamp of the week that ends immediately after the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
4 month_start() Returns the first date or timestamp of the month that begins immediately before the specified date or timestamp value in a column or as a literal.
5 month_begin() This is an alias for month_start() function.
6 month_end() Returns the last date or timestamp of the month that ends immediately after the specified date or timestamp value in a column or as a literal.
7 year_start() Returns the first date or timestamp of the year that begins immediately before the specified date or timestamp value in a column or as a literal.
8 year_begin() This is an alias for year_start() function.
9 year_end() Returns the last date or timestamp of the year that ends immediately after the specified date or timestamp value in a column or as a literal.
10 quarter_start() Returns the first date or timestamp of the quarter that begins immediately before the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
11 quarter_begin() This is an alias for quarter_start() function.
12 quarter_end() Returns the last date or timestamp of the quarter that ends immediately after the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
13 last_sunday() Returns the date or timestamp of Sunday that falls immediately before the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
14 last_monday() Returns the date or timestamp of Monday that falls immediately before the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
15 last_tuesday() Returns the date or timestamp of Tuesday that falls immediately before the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
16 last_wednesday() Returns the date or timestamp of Wednesday that falls immediately before specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
17 last_thursday() Returns the date or timestamp of Thursday that falls immediately before specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
18 last_friday() Returns the date or timestamp of Friday that falls immediately before specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
19 last_saturday() Returns the date or timestamp of Saturday that falls immediately before specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
20 day_of_week() Returns the number of days from the beginning of the week to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
21 day_of_month() Returns the number of days from the beginning of the month to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
22 day_of_year() Returns the number of days from the beginning of the year to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
23 day_of_calendar() Returns the number of days from the beginning of the business calendar to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
24 week_of-month() Returns the number of weeks from the beginning of the month to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
25 week_of_quarter() Returns the number of weeks from the beginning of the quarter to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
26 week_of_year() Returns the number of weeks from the beginning of the year to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
27 week_of_calendar() Returns the number of weeks from the beginning of the calendar to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
28 month_of_year() Returns the number of months from the beginning of the year to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
29 month_of_calendar() Returns the number of months from the beginning of the calendar to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
30 month_of_quarter() Returns the number of months from the beginning of the quarter to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
31 quarter_of_year() Returns the number of quarters from the beginning of the year to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
32 quarter_of_calendar() Returns the number of quarters from the beginning of the calendar to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
33 year_of_calendar() Returns the year of the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
34 day_occurence_of_month() Returns the nth occurrence of the weekday in the month for the date to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
35 year() Returns the integer value for year in the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
36 month() Returns the integer value for month in the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
37 hour() Returns the integer value for hour in the specified timestamp value in a column as a literal.
38 minute() Returns the integer value for minute in the specified timestamp value in a column as a literal.
39 second() Returns the integer value for seconds in the specified timestamp value in a column as a literal.
40 week() Returns the number of weeks from the beginning of the year to the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
41 next_day() Returns the date of the first weekday specified as 'day_value' that is later than the specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
42 months_between() Returns the number of months between value in specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal and date or timestamp value in argument.
43 add_month() Adds an integer number of months to specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
44 oadd_month() Adds an integer number of months, date or timestamp value in specified date or timestamp value in a column as a literal.
45 to_date() Function converts a string to Date.
46 to_timestamp() Converts string or integer value to a TIMESTAMP data type or TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type.
47 extract() Extracts date component to a numeric value.
48 to_interval() Converts a numeric value or string value into an INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND or INTERVAL_YEAR_TO_MONTH value.