Examples for all aggregate functions can be found at: pkg_install_location\teradataml\data\notebooks\sqlalchemy\Teradata Vantage Aggregate Functions using SQLAlchemy.ipynb.
Supported functions
S/N | Function Name | Description |
1 | Avg / Average / Ave | Returns the arithmetic average of all values in value_expression. |
2 | Corr | Returns the Sample Pearson product moment correlation coefficient of its arguments for all non-null data point pairs. |
3 | Count | Returns a column value that is the total number of qualified rows in value_expression. |
4 | Covar_pop | Returns the population covariance of its arguments for all non-null data point pairs. |
5 | Covar_samp | Returns the sample covariance of its arguments for all non-null data point pairs. |
6 | Kurtosis | Returns the kurtosis of the distribution of value_expression. |
7 | max / maximum | Returns a column value that is the maximum value for value_expression. |
8 | min / minimum | Returns a column value that is the minimum value for value_expression. |
9 | REGR_AVGX | Returns the mean of the independent_variable_expression for all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
10 | REGR_AVGY | Returns the mean of the dependent_variable_expression for all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
11 | REGR_Count | Returns the count of all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
12 | REGR_Intercept | Returns the intercept of the univariate linear regression line through all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
13 | REGR_R2 | Returns the coefficient of determination for all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
14 | REGR_SLOPE | Returns the slope of the univariate linear regression line through all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
15 | REGR_SXX | Returns the sum of the squares of the independent_variable_expression for all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
16 | REGR_SXY | Returns the sum of the products of the independent_variable_expression and the dependent_variable_expression for all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
17 | REGR_SYY | Returns the sum of the squares of the dependent_variable_expression for all non-null data pairs of the dependent and independent variable arguments. |
18 | Skew | Returns the skewness of the distribution of value_expression. |
19 | stddev_pop | Returns the population standard deviation for the non-null data points in value_expression. |
20 | stddev_samp | Returns the sample standard deviation for the non-null data points in value_expression. |
21 | sum | Returns a column value that is the arithmetic sum of value_expression. |
22 | var_pop | Returns the population variance for the data points in value_expression. |
23 | var_samp | Returns the sample variance for the data points in value_expression. |
Grouping of columns is not allowed with DataFrame.assign() in teradataml Always use 'drop_column = True' in DataFrame.assign().
Unsupported functions
- grouping
- pivot
- unpivot