Examples for all regular expression functions can be found at: pkg_install_location\teradataml\data\notebooks\sqlalchemy\Teradata Vantage Regular Expressions Using SQLAlchemy.ipynb.
Examples in notebooks will help to understand on how values can be passed and these functions cane be used in teradataml.
Supported functions
S/N | Function Name | Description |
1 | REGEXP_SUBSTR | Extracts a substring from source_string that matches a regular expression specified by regexp_string. |
2 | REGEXP_REPLACE | Replaces portions of source_string that match regexp_string with the replace_string. |
3 | REGEXP_INSTR | Searches source_string for a match to regexp_string. |
4 | REGEXP_SIMILAR | Compares source_string to regexp_string and returns integer value. |
Refer to SQL Documentation for more details on these functions and their signature.
Unsupported functions