Raises ValueError, teradatasql.OperationalError
- name specifies the name of the parameter to set.
Permitted values: timezone, calendar, account, character_set_unicode, collation, constraint, database, dateform, debug_function, dot_notation, isolated_loading, function_trace, json_ignore_errors, searchuifdbpath, transaction_isolation_level, query_band, udfsearchpath
Types: str
- value specifies the value for the parameter "name" to set.Permitted values:
- timezone: timezone strings
- calendar: Teradata, ISO, Compatible
- character_set_unicode: ON, OFF
- account: should be a list in which first item should be "account string" second should be either SESSION or REQUEST.
- constraint: row_level_security_constraint_name {( level_name | category_name [,...] | NULL )}where:
- row_level_security_constraint_name: Name of an existing constraint.
The specified constraint_name must be currently assigned to the user. You can specify a maximum of 6 hierarchical constraints and 2 non-hierarchical constraints per SET SESSION CONSTRAINT statement.
- level_name: Name of a hierarchical level, valid for the constraint_name, that is to replace the default level.
The specified level_name must be currently assigned to the user. Otherwise, Vantage returns an error to the requestor.
- category_name: A set of one or more existing non-hierarchical category names valid for the constraint_name.
Because all assigned category (non-hierarchical) constraint values assigned to a user are automatically active, "set_session_param" is only useful to specify a subset of the assigned categories for the constraint.
For example, assume that User BOB has 3 country codes, and wants to load a table with data that is to be made available to User CARL who only has rights to see data for his own country. User BOB can use "set_session_param" to specify only the country code for User CARL when loading the data so Carl can access the data later.
- row_level_security_constraint_name: Name of an existing constraint.
- database: Name of the new default database for the remainder of the current session.
- debug_function: Specifies a list in which the first item is "function_name" and second item is either ON or OFF.
- dot_notation: DEFAULT, LIST, NULL ERROR
- isolated_loading: NO, '', CONCURRENT
- function_trace: Specifies a list in which the first item is "mask_string" and second is the table name.
- json_ignore_errors: ON, OFF
- searchuifdbpath: String in format 'database_name, user_name'
- transaction_isolation_level: READ UNCOMMITTED, RU, SERIALIZABLE, SR
- query_band: Should be a list first item should be "band_specification" and second should be either SESSION or TRANSACTION.
- udfsearchpath: Should be a list first item should be "database_name" and second should be "udf_name".
Types: str or list of strings
Example 1: Set time zone offset for the session as the system default
>>> set_session_param('timezone', "'LOCAL'") True
Example 2: Set time zone to "AMERICA PACIFIC"
>>> set_session_param('timezone', "'AMERICA PACIFIC'") True
Example 3: Set time zone to "-07:00"
>>> set_session_param('timezone', "'-07:00'") True
Example 4: Set time zone to 3 hours ahead of 'GMT'
>>> set_session_param('timezone', "3") True
Example 5: Set calendar to 'COMPATIBLE'
>>> set_session_param('calendar', "COMPATIBLE") True
Example 6: Dynamically change account to 'dbc' for remainder of session
>>> set_session_param('account', ['dbc', 'SESSION']) True
Example 7: Enable Unicode Pass Through processing
>>> set_session_param('character_set_unicode', 'ON') True
Example 8: Set session to ASCII collation
>>> set_session_param('collation', 'ASCII') True
Example 9: Resulting session has row-level security label consisting of unclassified level and nato category
>>> set_session_param('constraint', 'classification_category (norway)') True
Example 10: Change default database for the session
>>> set_session_param('database', 'alice') True
Example 11: Change the DATE format to 'INTEGERDATE'
>>> set_session_param('dateform', 'INTEGERDATE') True
Example 12: Enable debugging for the session
>>> set_session_param('debug_function', ['function_name', 'ON']) True
Example 13: Set session response for dot notation query result
>>> set_session_param('dot_notation', 'DEFAULT') True
Example 14: DML operations are not performed as concurrent load isolated operation
>>> set_session_param('isolated_loading', 'NO') True
Example 15: Enable function trace output for debugging external user-defined functions and external SQL procedures for current session
>>> set_session_param('function_trace', ["'diag,3'", 'titanic']) True
Example 16: Enable validation of JSON data on INSERT operations
>>> set_session_param('json_ignore_errors', 'ON') True
Example 17: Set database search path for SCRIPT execution in SessionTbl.SearchUIFDBPath column
>>> set_session_param('SEARCHUIFDBPATH', 'dbc, alice') True
Example 18: Use PROXYROLE name:value pair in a query band to set proxy role in a trusted session to a specific role
>>> set_session_param('query_band', ["'PROXYUSER=fred;PROXYROLE=administration;'", 'SESSION']) True
Example 21: Specify custom UDF search path
When you run a UDF, Analytics Database searches this path first, before looking in the default Analytics Database search path for the UDF.
>>> set_session_param('udfsearchpath', ["alice, SYSLIB, TD_SYSFNLIB", 'bitor']) True