Use the print_options() function to display both configure and display options set in the current session.
Example 1: Run 'print_options()' after creating a connection object
If you run the print_options() function after creating a connection object, it displays values set for all the options.
>>> import teradataml as tdml
>>> tdml.print_options() Display Options ------------------ byte_encoding = base16 max_rows = 10 precision = 3 print_sqlmr_query = False suppress_vantage_runtime_warnings = False Configure Options ------------------ column_casesensitive_handler = False default_varchar_size = 1024 val_install_location = None vantage_version = vantage1.3
Example 2: Run 'print_options()' without a working connection
If you run the print_options() function without a working connection, it displays values set for all the options except vantage_verison. A warning is thrown for vantage_version option.
>>> import teradataml as tdml
>>> tdml.print_options() Display Options ------------------ byte_encoding = base16 max_rows = 10 precision = 3 print_sqlmr_query = False suppress_vantage_runtime_warnings = False Configure Options ------------------ column_casesensitive_handler = False default_varchar_size = 1024 val_install_location = None Option 'vantage_version' information requires a working connection object.