The suppress_vantage_runtime_warnings option specifies whether to display the warnings raised by Vantage or not.
When set to True, warnings raised by Vantage are not displayed. Otherwise, warnings are displayed. Default value is False.
This option may also suppress valid warnings. So, Teradata does not recommend using this option unless it is really necessary.
Example 1: Suppress warnings
>>> display.suppress_vantage_runtime_warnings = True
Example: Compute the average values in a series, using the 'C' moving average type.
>>> obj1 = MovingAverage(data=titanic_data, data_partition_column='fare', data_order_column='passenger', include_first=False, alpha=0.1, start_rows=2, window_size=3, mavgtype='C')
Example 2: Enable runtime warnings
>>> display.suppress_vantage_runtime_warnings = False
Example: Compute the average values in a series, using the 'C' moving average type.
>>> obj2 = MovingAverage(data=titanic_data, data_partition_column='fare', data_order_column='passenger', include_first=False, alpha=0.1, start_rows=2, window_size=3, mavgtype='C') VantageRuntimeWarning: [Teradata][teradataml](TDML_2086) Following warning raised from Vantage with warning code: 4862 [Teradata Database] [Warning 4862] Query executed on Primary Cluster as the request is multi-statement request warnings.warn(msg_.format(warnRes[5], warnRes[6]), VantageRuntimeWarning)