td_retrieve_model() and td_describe_model() may not retrieve certain arguments
- The order.columns and partition.columns for any model generating function are currently not saved, and not retrieved or displayed.
For example, if the model generated by td_attribution_mle was saved, the td_retreive_model() or td_describe_model() will not be able to retrieve or display the data.order.column or data.partition.column as it will not be saved.
- Values are not retrieved for the model generating function that accepts a value for an argument which is alternative to a formula argument.
For example, when retrieving or describing a td_xgboost_mle model which was generated using the response.column argument instead of the formula argument and then saved, the response.column argument is not retrieved or displayed.
td_retrieve_model() and td_describe_model() may retrieve certain argument values incorrectly
td_retrieve_model() and td_describe_model() may retrieve or display incorrect values for certain attributes.
- Arguments of type character may have leading and trailing white spaces trimmed.
For example, when a model generated by the td_minhash_mle function by passing a space (' ') to the delimiter argument is saved, then describing or retrieving this saved model will retrieve an empty string as the value for the delimiter argument.
- Arguments accepting vectors but passing a single value may be retrieved or displayed as a vector due to incorrect value parsing.
For example, if a single value was passed to the comparison.columns argument of the td_string_similarity_mle function and the generated model was saved, then retrieving or describing this saved model will result in incorrect value being retrieved or printed for the comparison.columns argument.
To work around this limitation with td_describe_model() not displaying the argument values correctly or not displaying them at all (except with order.columns and partition.columns), you can query the view named TD_ModelCataloging.ModelAlgorithmParametersVX as shown in the following example, replacing the <model_name> with the model name to describe the arguments for.
- When the model is saved using tdplyr.
# Get remote data source connection. con <- td_get_context()$connection # When the model was saved using "tdplyr". argumentDescription <- tbl(con, sql("SELECT ClientSpecificAttrName as tdplyrAttrName, CASE WHEN AttrValue IS NULL THEN AttrValueC ELSE AttrValue END AS AttrValue FROM TD_ModelCataloging.ModelAlgorithmParametersVX WHERE ClientSpecificAttrName IS NOT NULL AND ClientSpecificAttrName <> '__class_name__' AND ModelId = (SELECT ModelId FROM TD_ModelCataloging.ModelsVX WHERE Name = '<model_name>')")) print(argumentDescription)
- When the model is not saved using tdplyr.This example gives the SQL names for arguments instead of tdplyr names, along with their values.
# Get remote data source connection. con <- td_get_context()$connection # When the model was not saved using "tdplyr". argumentDescription <- tbl(con, sql("SELECT AttrName as SQLAttrName, CASE WHEN AttrValue IS NULL THEN AttrValueC ELSE AttrValue END AS AttrValue FROM TD_ModelCataloging.ModelAlgorithmParametersVX WHERE AttrName IS NOT NULL AND AttrName NOT LIKE '__non_%' AND ModelId = (SELECT ModelId FROM TD_ModelCataloging.ModelsVX WHERE Name = '<model_name>')")) print(argumentDescription)