The tdplyr package helps you establish a connection to Vantage through the R interface, by accessing the IP address of the Analytics Database server with the user credentials (namely a username and password) for that server. See Testing Connection to Vantage with Teradata SQL Driver for R for details.
To perform tasks on Vantage, these credentials are not adequate. You must ensure that the Analytics Database user account has appropriate permissions to perform the desired tasks.
For example, to create a table in the database requires the user to have CREATE TABLE permission granted in advance by the database administrator.
If a user attempts to perform a task (action) through tdplyr for which user (user) has insufficient permissions, then an error is returned to the user. This error has the general format:
action has not been granted to user
The solution is to contact the database administrator, communicate the database-derived error, and request appropriate permissions for the desired task to the corresponding user account.