Foreign table created in JSON or comma-separated values (CSV) format usually contains two columns:
- Location
- Payload
User can create an object of class "tbl_teradata" on a foreign table using "tbl()", similar to creating an object of class "tbl_teradata" on a regular table. With the created tbl_teradata, user can easily access and process the data using various API's offered by tdplyr and other R packages that work with tbl objects.
The following sections show how to create tdplyr tbl_teradata object on NOS foreign tables.
Create tdplyr tbl_teradata object on NOS foreign table in JSON data format
Assume that the following foreign table has been created on JSON data in Amazon S3 bucket:CREATE MULTISET FOREIGN TABLE ALICE.riverflow ,FALLBACK , EXTERNAL SECURITY DEFINER TRUSTED DOCDEF_AUTH , MAP = TD_MAP1 ( Location VARCHAR(2048) CHARACTER SET UNICODE CASESPECIFIC, Payload JSON(8388096) INLINE LENGTH 32000 CHARACTER SET UNICODE) USING ( LOCATION ('/s3/') PATHPATTERN ('$data/$siteno/$year/$month/$day') );
- Create an object of class "tbl_teradata" on foreign table.
# Create object(s) of class "tbl_teradata" on foreign table which contains data in JSON format on S3 > riverflow <- tbl(con, "riverflow")
- Display the structure of the tbl_teradata.
# Get the structure of tbl_teradata > str(riverflow)
List of 3 $ src :List of 2 ..$ con :Formal class 'Teradata' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 6 slots .. .. ..@ m_uLog :integer64 0 .. .. ..@ m_bImmediate : logi TRUE .. .. ..@ m_bTraceLog : logi FALSE .. .. ..@ m_bDebugLog : logi FALSE .. .. ..@ m_uConnHandle:integer64 1 .. .. ..@ m_envMutable :<environment: 0x00000000205adf18> ..$ disco: NULL ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:4] "src_Teradata" "src_dbi" "src_sql" "src" $ ops :List of 2 ..$ x : 'ident' chr "riverflow" ..$ vars: chr [1:2] "Location" "Payload" ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "op_base_remote" "op_base" "op" $ types: Named chr [1:2] "varchar" "json" ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "CV" "JN" - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:5] "tbl_teradata" "tbl_dbi" "tbl_sql" "tbl_lazy" ...
- Display the columns in the tbl_teradata.
# As seen from create table statement, table has two columns 'Location' and 'Payload' > colnames(riverflow)
'Location' 'Payload'
- Check the data types of the columns.
# Data type check > riverflow$types
CV 'varchar' JN 'json'
- Print the content of the table.
# Print the tbl_teradata. # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT TOP 10 * FROM riverflow >, 10))
A data.frame: 10 × 2 Location Payload <chr> <chr> /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 00:30", "Flow":"122", "WaterVelocity":"2.00", "Temp":"71.2", "GageHeight":"8.05"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 01:00", "Flow":"125", "WaterVelocity":"2.01", "Temp":"71.0", "GageHeight":"8.09"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 01:15", "Flow":"128", "WaterVelocity":"2.03", "Temp":"70.8", "GageHeight":"8.14"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 01:30", "Flow":"129", "WaterVelocity":"2.04", "Temp":"70.7", "GageHeight":"8.15"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 02:00", "Flow":"129", "WaterVelocity":"2.02", "Temp":"70.3", "GageHeight":"8.18"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 02:15", "Flow":"128", "WaterVelocity":"1.99", "Temp":"70.2", "GageHeight":"8.20"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 01:45", "Flow":"131", "WaterVelocity":"2.05", "Temp":"70.5", "GageHeight":"8.17"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 00:45", "Flow":"122", "WaterVelocity":"1.98", "Temp":"71.1", "GageHeight":"8.08"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 00:15", "Flow":"119", "WaterVelocity":"1.97", "Temp":"71.3", "GageHeight":"8.01"} /S3/ { "site_no":"09423560", "datetime":"2018-06-29 00:00", "Flow":"115", "WaterVelocity":"1.92", "Temp":"71.4", "GageHeight":"7.98"}
Create tdplyr tbl_teradata object on NOS foreign table in CSV data format
Assume that the following foreign table has been created on CSV data in Amazon S3 bucket:CREATE FOREIGN TABLE riverflowcsv , EXTERNAL SECURITY DEFINER TRUSTED DOCDEF_AUTH ( Location VARCHAR(2048) CHARACTER SET UNICODE CASESPECIFIC, PAYLOAD DATASET INLINE LENGTH 64000 STORAGE FORMAT CSV) USING ( LOCATION('/s3/') PATHPATTERN ('$data/$siteno/$year/$month/$day') );
- Create an object of class "tbl_teradata" on foreign table.
# Create object(s) of class "tbl_teradata" on foreign table which contains data in CSV format on S3 > riverflow <- tbl(con, "riverflowcsv")
- Display the structure of the tbl_teradata.
# Get the structure of tbl_teradata > str(riverflow)
List of 3 $ src :List of 2 ..$ con :Formal class 'Teradata' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 6 slots .. .. ..@ m_uLog :integer64 0 .. .. ..@ m_bImmediate : logi TRUE .. .. ..@ m_bTraceLog : logi FALSE .. .. ..@ m_bDebugLog : logi FALSE .. .. ..@ m_uConnHandle:integer64 1 .. .. ..@ m_envMutable :<environment: 0x00000000205ae8f0> ..$ disco: NULL ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:4] "src_Teradata" "src_dbi" "src_sql" "src" $ ops :List of 2 ..$ x : 'ident' chr "riverflowcsv" ..$ vars: chr [1:2] "Location" "PAYLOAD" ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "op_base_remote" "op_base" "op" $ types: Named chr [1:2] "varchar" "dataset" ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "CV" "DT" - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:5] "tbl_teradata" "tbl_dbi" "tbl_sql" "tbl_lazy" ...
- Display the columns in the tbl_teradata.
# As seen from create table statement, table has two columns 'Location' and 'Payload' > colnames(riverflow)
- Check the data types of the columns.
# Data type check > riverflow$types
CV 'varchar' DT 'dataset'
- Print the content of the table.
# Print the tbl_teradata. # Equivalent SQL: # SELECT TOP 10 * FROM riverflow >, 10))
A data.frame: 10 × 2 Location PAYLOAD <chr> <chr> /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 2.05,186,09396100,2018-07-14 00:15,0.00,2.05 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 3.58,1320,09396100,2018-07-14 00:30,0.00,3.58 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 4.20,1940,09396100,2018-07-14 00:44,,4.20 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 4.20,1940,09396100,2018-07-14 00:45,0.00,4.20 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 4.18,1920,09396100,2018-07-14 01:00,0.00,4.18 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 3.77,1500,09396100,2018-07-14 01:14,,3.77 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 4.18,1920,09396100,2018-07-14 00:59,,4.18 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 3.58,1320,09396100,2018-07-14 00:29,,3.58 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 2.05,186,09396100,2018-07-14 00:14,,2.05 /S3/ GageHeight2,Flow,site_no,datetime,Precipitation,GageHeight 2.16,232,09396100,2018-07-14 00:00,0.00,2.16
How to access actual data and path variables
Though tdplyr provides direct access to the data in foreign tables, actual data that resides in 'Payload' column and path variables for the foreign table can be accessed in one of the following ways: