The loadExampleData() function helps users to load the sample datasets.
tdplyr offers various API's and each API provides some examples. To try the API's in these examples, you need the sample datasets loaded in Vantage. The loadExampleData() function enables the user to load these sample datasets.
This function can only be used in a restricted way. Function arguments can only accept predetermined values, which are found only in loadExampleData() function calls given in the examples provided in Teradata Package for R Function Reference and this User Guide.
- If the table with the name provided in the function call already exists, this function skips creation and loading of the dataset.
- This function creates a new table in Vantage. You must drop the table manually if required.
- Drop the table if it already exists.
> try(db_drop_table(con, "computers_train1"), silent = TRUE)
- Check table in Vantage.
> db_has_table(con, "computers_train1") [1] FALSE
- Load example dataset in Vantage.
> loadExampleData("kmeans_example", "computers_train1") Loading: ALICE.computers_train1 ....
- Check table in Vantage again.
> db_has_table(con, "computers_train1") [1] TRUE
- Print the tbl_teradata of the table loaded to Vantage.
> tbl(con, "computers_train1") # Source: table<computers_train1> [?? x 6] # Database: [Teradata] [Teradata Native Driver] [] id price speed hd ram screen <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> 1 6036 1445 100 528 4 14 2 1407 2644 66 426 8 14 3 1672 1944 50 107 2 14 4 265 1899 50 120 4 14 5 469 2599 50 405 8 14 6 5832 1490 66 340 4 15 7 3487 1999 33 420 8 15 8 4221 1695 66 425 8 15 9 938 2799 50 320 8 15 10 4894 1739 33 212 4 17 # ... with more rows >