The td_execute_script() function enables a user to run script using Script Table Operator on Vantage.
To use the td_execute_script() function:
- The script file (in this case "mapper.R") should be installed in Vantage.
- Search path should be set to appropriate database.
Error in obtainRows(res, FALSE, params) : [Version] [Session 8006] [Teradata Database] [Error 9134] Error in function SCRIPT: The output of SCRIPT_COMMAND for column 1 could not be converted to the result data type.To avoid the need to debug error messages from Vantage for Script Table Operator, it is highly recommended to pay utmost attention while creating ScriptTableOperator object using Script() function call.
See examples in Possible Invalid Ways of using Script() for known issues when running Script() function on Vantage.
- Install the script file in Vantage.
This step installs the file 'mapper.R' found in the 'scripts' directory of tdplyr installation location.
> td_install_file(file.path.loc = file.path(tdplyr_install_location, "scripts", "mapper.R"), file.identifier = 'mapper') File 'mapper' installed in Vantage.
- Run td_execute_script() without setting search path.
> td_execute_script(script_obj) SQL-MR Query : SELECT * FROM Script ( ON ( SELECT "Name" FROM "barrier" ) as "input" PARTITION BY ANY SCRIPT_COMMAND('Rscript ./TDAPUSERDB/mapper.R') DELIMITER(' ') RETURNS('word VARCHAR(15)','count_input VARCHAR(2)') CHARSET('LATIN') ) as sqlmr $result Error in obtainRows(res, FALSE, params) : [Version] [Session 8006] [Teradata Database] [Error 9134] Error in function SCRIPT: The output of SCRIPT_COMMAND for column 1 could not be converted to the result data type. at gosqldriver/teradatasql.(*teradataConnection).formatDatabaseError TeradataConnection.go:1138 at gosqldriver/teradatasql.(*teradataConnection).makeChainedDatabaseError TeradataConnection.go:1154 at gosqldriver/teradatasql.(*teradataConnection).processErrorParcel TeradataConnection.go:1217 at gosqldriver/teradatasql.(*TeradataRows).processResponseBundle TeradataRows.go:1716 at gosqldriver/teradatasql.(*TeradataRows).executeSQLRequest TeradataRows.go:552 at gosqldriver/teradatasql.newTeradataRows TeradataRows.go:418 at gosqldriver/teradatasql.(*teradataStatement).QueryContext TeradataStatement.go:122 at gosqldriver/teradatasql.(*teradataConnection).QueryContext TeradataConnection.go:2083 at database/sql.ctxDriverQuery ctxutil.go:48 at database/sql.(*DB).queryDC.func1 sql.go:1579 at dat
As shown in the output, without setting search path, the function fails with error message. - Set the search path to the database "TDAPUSERDB".
> dbExecute(con, dplyr::sql(set_session)) [1] 1
- Run the function td_execute_script() again after setting search path.
> td_execute_script(script_obj) SQL-MR Query : SELECT * FROM Script ( ON ( SELECT "Name" FROM "barrier" ) as "input" PARTITION BY ANY SCRIPT_COMMAND('Rscript ./TDAPUSERDB/mapper.R') DELIMITER(' ') RETURNS('word VARCHAR(15)','count_input VARCHAR(2)') CHARSET('LATIN') ) as sqlmr $result # Source: SQL [?? x 1] # Database: [Teradata] [Teradata Native Driver] # [TDAPUSER@<hostname>1025/TDAPUSERDB] # Groups: word count_input <chr> <chr> 1 Had 1 2 Farm 1 3 A 1 4 Macdonald 1 5 Old 1
After the search path is set, the function runs correctly with desired output.