tdplyr sandbox.container option is a deprecated feature in this release and is not guaranteed to work. It will be removed in future release versions.
The sandbox.container option specifies a container id or name that can be used for executing the td_test_script() function to run the user script in 'sandbox' mode.
By default, this option is set to NULL. When td_setup_sandox_env() function is executed, tdplyr internally sets the option to the container created by the function, which will be garbage collected when the session is terminated. See td_setup_sandbox_env() section for more details.
If a user wants to use any other container, then this property needs to be set to the id or name of the desired container. However, in that case, tdplyr is not responsible for container cleanup at the end of the session.
> options(sandbox.container = "my_container")
> td_test_script(object = script_obj, files.local.path = file.path(tdplyr_install_location, "scripts"), = "mapper.R", = "barrier.csv" ) word count_input 1 Old 1 2 Macdonald 1 3 Had 1 4 A 1 5 Farm 1