The print.val.query is a boolean option that controls whether or not to print the query being sent to the Vantage Platform when a VAL function is executed.
The default value is FALSE.
This example shows the query in the system output when this option is set to TRUE.
> options(print.val.query = TRUE)
> custanly <- tbl(con, "customer_analysis")
> obj <- td_ks_test_valib(data=custanly, dependent.column="income", group.columns="years_with_bank", style="ks") "call VAL.td_analyze('KSTEST', 'database=ALICE; tablename=customer_analysis; outputdatabase=ALICE; outputtablename=r__t__valib_td_ks_test_valib1623306413001667; columnofinterest=income; groupby=years_with_bank; teststyle=ks');"