Using SageMaker Linear Learner with tdapiclient | API Integration - Using SageMaker Linear Learner with tdapiclient - Teradata Vantage

Teradata Vantageā„¢ - API Integration Guide for Cloud Machine Learning

Teradata Vantage
Release Number
September 2023
English (United States)
Last Update

This use case shows the steps to use SageMaker Linear Learner with tdapiclient.

You can download the file in the attachment as a reference. The linearlearner folder in the zip file includes a Jupyter notebook file (ipynb) and a data file (csv) containing the dataset required to run this use case.

  1. Import necessary libraries.
    import getpass
    import sagemaker
    from tdapiclient import create_tdapi_context, TDApiClient
    from teradataml import create_context, DataFrame, copy_to_sql,load_example_data
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
    from teradatasqlalchemy.types import *
  2. Create the connection.
    host = input("Host: ")
    username = input("Username: ")
    password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
    td_context = create_context(host=host, username=username, password=password)
  3. Create TDAPI context and TDApiClient object.
    s3_bucket = input("S3 Bucket(Please provide just the bucket name): ")
    access_id = input("Access ID:")
    access_key = getpass.getpass("Acess Key: ")
    region = input("AWS Region: ")
    os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = access_id
    os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = access_key
    os.environ["AWS_REGION"] = region
    tdapi_context = create_tdapi_context("aws", bucket_name=s3_bucket)
    td_apiclient = TDApiClient(tdapi_context)
  4. Set bucket locations.
    # Bucket location where your custom code will be saved in the tar.gz format.
    custom_code_upload_location = "s3://{}/LinearLearner/code".format(s3_bucket)
    # Bucket location where results of model training are saved.
    model_artifacts_location = "s3://{}/LinearLearner/artifacts".format(s3_bucket)
  5. Set up data to be used for this workflow.
    1. Read the wine quality dataset.
      df = pd.read_csv ("winequality-red.csv")
      The output:
      	fixed acidity	volatile acidity	citric acid	residual sugar	chlorides	free sulfur dioxide	total sulfur dioxide	density	pH	sulphates	alcohol	quality
      0	7.4	0.70	0.00	1.9	0.076	11.0	34.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	5
      1	7.8	0.88	0.00	2.6	0.098	25.0	67.0	0.9968	3.20	0.68	9.8	5
      2	7.8	0.76	0.04	2.3	0.092	15.0	54.0	0.9970	3.26	0.65	9.8	5
      3	11.2	0.28	0.56	1.9	0.075	17.0	60.0	0.9980	3.16	0.58	9.8	6
      4	7.4	0.70	0.00	1.9	0.076	11.0	34.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	5
    2. Rename columns for creating teradataml DataFrame.
      df.rename(columns={'fixed acidity':'fixed_acidity',
                               'citric acid':'citric_acid' ,
                               'residual sugar':'residual_sugar',
                               'volatile acidity': 'acidity_volatile',
                               'free sulfur dioxide': 'free_sulfur_dioxide',
                               'total sulfur dioxide':'total_sulfur_dioxide'}, 
    3. Insert the dataframe in the table.
      column_types ={'fixed_acidity': FLOAT, 
      copy_to_sql(df=df, table_name=data_table, if_exists="replace", types=column_types)
    4. Create a teradataml DataFrame using the table.
      data = DataFrame(table_name=data_table)
  6. Data cleaning.
    1. Categorize target variable that is 'quality' into 'good' or 'bad'.
      If the quality value is greater than 6.5, then the quality is considered 'good' (1); if quality value is less or equal to 6.5, it is represented as 'bad' (0).
      from teradataml.dataframe.sql_functions import case
      quality = data['quality']
      data_updated = data.assign(grade = case([(quality > 6.5, 1),
                                               (quality<6.5, 0)]))
    2. Drop unnecessary columns.
      The output:
      fixed_acidity	acidity_volatile	citric_acid	residual_sugar	chlorides	free_sulfur_dioxide	total_sulfur_dioxide	density	pH	sulphates	alcohol	grade
      7.8	0.76	0.04	2.3	0.092	15.0	54.0	0.997	3.26	0.65	9.8	0
      7.4	0.7	0.0	1.9	0.076	11.0	34.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	0
      7.4	0.66	0.0	1.8	0.075	13.0	40.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	0
      7.9	0.6	0.06	1.6	0.069	15.0	59.0	0.9964	3.3	0.46	9.4	0
      7.8	0.58	0.02	2.0	0.073	9.0	18.0	0.9968	3.36	0.57	9.5	1
      7.5	0.5	0.36	6.1	0.071	17.0	102.0	0.9978	3.35	0.8	10.5	0
      7.3	0.65	0.0	1.2	0.065	15.0	21.0	0.9946	3.39	0.47	10.0	1
      11.2	0.28	0.56	1.9	0.075	17.0	60.0	0.998	3.16	0.58	9.8	0
      7.8	0.88	0.0	2.6	0.098	25.0	67.0	0.9968	3.2	0.68	9.8	0
      7.4	0.7	0.0	1.9	0.076	11.0	34.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	0
    3. Create two samples of input data: sample 1 has 80% of total rows and sample 2 has 20% of total rows.
      wine_sample = data_updated.sample(frac=[0.8, 0.2])
    4. Create train dataset from sample 1 by filtering on "sampleid" and drop "sampleid" column as it is not required for training model.
      wine_train = wine_sample[wine_sample.sampleid == "1"].drop("sampleid", axis = 1)
      The output:
      fixed_acidity	acidity_volatile	citric_acid	residual_sugar	chlorides	free_sulfur_dioxide	total_sulfur_dioxide	density	pH	sulphates	alcohol	grade
      7.4	0.7	0.0	1.9	0.076	11.0	34.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	0
      7.9	0.6	0.06	1.6	0.069	15.0	59.0	0.9964	3.3	0.46	9.4	0
      7.3	0.65	0.0	1.2	0.065	15.0	21.0	0.9946	3.39	0.47	10.0	1
      7.8	0.58	0.02	2.0	0.073	9.0	18.0	0.9968	3.36	0.57	9.5	1
      5.6	0.615	0.0	1.6	0.089	16.0	59.0	0.9943	3.58	0.52	9.9	0
      7.8	0.61	0.29	1.6	0.114	9.0	29.0	0.9974	3.26	1.56	9.1	0
      6.7	0.58	0.08	1.8	0.0969999999999999	15.0	65.0	0.9959	3.28	0.54	9.2	0
      7.4	0.66	0.0	1.8	0.075	13.0	40.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	0
      11.2	0.28	0.56	1.9	0.075	17.0	60.0	0.998	3.16	0.58	9.8	0
      7.8	0.76	0.04	2.3	0.092	15.0	54.0	0.997	3.26	0.65	9.8	0
    5. Create test dataset from sample 2 by filtering on "sampleid" and drop "sampleid" column as it is not required for scoring.
      wine_test = wine_sample[wine_sample.sampleid == "2"].drop("sampleid", axis = 1)
      The output:
      fixed_acidity	acidity_volatile	citric_acid	residual_sugar	chlorides	free_sulfur_dioxide	total_sulfur_dioxide	density	pH	sulphates	alcohol	grade
      7.4	0.66	0.0	1.8	0.075	13.0	40.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	0
      7.5	0.5	0.36	6.1	0.071	17.0	102.0	0.9978	3.35	0.8	10.5	0
      7.5	0.5	0.36	6.1	0.071	17.0	102.0	0.9978	3.35	0.8	10.5	0
      8.9	0.62	0.19	3.9	0.17	51.0	148.0	0.9986	3.17	0.93	9.2	0
      6.3	0.39	0.16	1.4	0.08	11.0	23.0	0.9955	3.34	0.56	9.3	0
      7.8	0.645	0.0	2.0	0.0819999999999999	8.0	16.0	0.9964	3.38	0.59	9.8	0
      8.1	0.56	0.28	1.7	0.368	16.0	56.0	0.9968	3.11	1.28	9.3	0
      7.9	0.6	0.06	1.6	0.069	15.0	59.0	0.9964	3.3	0.46	9.4	0
      7.4	0.7	0.0	1.9	0.076	11.0	34.0	0.9978	3.51	0.56	9.4	0
      11.2	0.28	0.56	1.9	0.075	17.0	60.0	0.998	3.16	0.58	9.8	0
    6. Convert teradataml DataFrame to NumPy ndarray.
  7. Create Linear Learner SageMaker estimator instance through tdapiclient.
    exec_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::076782961461:role/service-role/AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-20210112T215668"
    linear_learner = td_apiclient.LinearLearner(
  8. Convert NumPy ndarray to RecordSet object which will be passed to fit method.
    training_data_recordset = linear_learner.record_set(train=train_data,
  9. Start training using RecordSet objects.
  10. Create Serializer and Deserializer, so predictor can handle CSV input and output.
    from sagemaker.serializers import CSVSerializer
    from sagemaker.deserializers import CSVDeserializer
    csv_ser = CSVSerializer()
    csv_dser = CSVDeserializer()
    predictor = linear_learner.deploy("aws-endpoint",
                                      sagemaker_kw_args={"instance_type": "ml.m5.large", "initial_instance_count": 1, "serializer": csv_ser, "deserializer": csv_dser})
  11. Try prediction integration using the predictor object created in previous step.
    1. Confirm that predictor is correctly configured for accepting csv input.
      The output:
    2. Prepare test dataset by dropping target variable 'grade'.
    3. Try prediction with UDF and Client options.
      Prediction with UDF option:
      output = predictor.predict(wine_test, mode="UDF",content_type='csv')
      The output:
      fixed_acidity	acidity_volatile	citric_acid	residual_sugar	chlorides	free_sulfur_dioxide	total_sulfur_dioxide	density	pH	sulphates	alcohol	Output
      7.8	0.61	0.29	1.6	0.114	9.0	29.0	0.9974	3.26	1.56	9.1	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.06059710681438446, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      7.4	0.59	0.08	4.4	0.086	6.0	29.0	0.9974	3.38	0.5	9.0	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.061050355434417725, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      7.9	0.43	0.21	1.6	0.106	10.0	37.0	0.9966	3.17	0.91	9.5	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.07426965236663818, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      7.8	0.645	0.0	2.0	0.0819999999999999	8.0	16.0	0.9964	3.38	0.59	9.8	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.07694132626056671, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      7.8	0.59	0.18	2.3	0.076	17.0	54.0	0.9975	3.43	0.59	10.0	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.056873418390750885, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      8.8	0.4	0.4	2.2	0.079	19.0	52.0	0.998	3.44	0.64	9.2	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.05504496023058891, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      7.8	0.645	0.0	5.5	0.086	5.0	18.0	0.9986	3.4	0.55	9.6	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.062305182218551636, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      8.9	0.62	0.19	3.9	0.17	51.0	148.0	0.9986	3.17	0.93	9.2	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.021687734872102737, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      6.7	0.58	0.08	1.8	0.0969999999999999	15.0	65.0	0.9959	3.28	0.54	9.2	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.05492998659610748, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      11.2	0.28	0.56	1.9	0.075	17.0	60.0	0.998	3.16	0.58	9.8	{"predictions": [{"score": 0.07007729262113571, "predicted_label": 0}]}
      Prediction with Client option:
      output = predictor.predict(item, mode="client",content_type='csv')
      The output:
  12. Clean up.