A manifest file is created when you write objects to external object store. The manifest file lists the paths of the objects stored on external object store.
- The files that are specified in the manifest can be in different buckets, but all the buckets must be in the same region.
- Manifest files are in JSON format.
- The storage location for manifest files must start with the following:
- Amazon S3 location must begin with /S3 or /s3, for example /S3/YOUR-BUCKET.s3.amazonaws.com/20180701/ManifestFile2/manifest1.json
- Google Cloud Storage location must begin with /GS or /gs, for example /gs/storage.googleapis.com/YOUR-BUCKET/JSONDATA/manifest1.json
- Azure Blob location (including Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 in Blob Interop Mode) must begin with /AZ or /az, for example /az/YOUR-STORAGE-ACCOUNT.blob.core.windows.net/td-usgs/JSONDATA/manifest1.json
- Manifest files are not cumulative. If you want to add entries to a manifest, you must create a new manifest that includes the original entries plus the ones you want to add.
- An error is reported if you attempt to write another manifest file in the same location. Use OVERWRITE('TRUE') with MANIFESTONLY('TRUE') keywords to replace a manifest in the same location.