Create a manifest file listing the paths of the objects stored on external storage using the MANIFESTFILE option. MANIFESTFILE creates a manifest file on external object store at the location specified.
- Write all rows matching the criteria to external object store and create a manifest file listing the paths of the objects stored on external storage:
SELECT * FROM WRITE_NOS ( ON ( SELECT * FROM RiverFlowPerm WHERE DateTime = '2018-06-27 00:00:00' ) USING LOCATION('YOUR-OBJECT-STORE-URI80627/ManifestFile/') AUTHORIZATION(MyAuthObj) STOREDAS('PARQUET') MANIFESTFILE('YOUR-OBJECT-STORE-URI/20180627/ManifestFile/manifest1.json') ) AS d;
Replace the LOCATION of YOUR-OBJECT-STORE-URI/20180701/ManifestFile/ with the URI to the external object store where you want to write the data.
Replace the MANIFESTFILE location of YOUR-OBJECT-STORE-URI/20180701/ManifestFile/manifest1.json with the URI to the manifest file on external object store.
Your result will be similar to the following:
NodeId 33 AmpId 0 Sequence 1 ObjectName /S3/ ObjectSize 1327 RecordCount 3 NodeId 33 AmpId 3 Sequence 1 ObjectName /S3/ ObjectSize 1346 RecordCount 3 [...]
- You can view the manifest file on external storage using the command line of your external object store.
The entries stored in the manifest file are similar to this:
{"entries":[{"url":"s3://ie-writenos-bucket/20180701/ManifestFile/object_33_0_1.parquet","meta":{"content_length":2803}}, {"url":"s3://ie-writenos-bucket/20180701/ManifestFile/object_33_6_1.parquet","meta":{"content_length":2733}}, {"url":"s3://ie-writenos-bucket/20180701/ManifestFile/object_33_1_1.parquet","meta":{"content_length":3009}}, {"url":"s3://ie-writenos-bucket/20180701/ManifestFile/object_33_7_1.parquet","meta":{"content_length":2591}}, {"url":"s3://ie-writenos-bucket/20180701/ManifestFile/object_33_2_1.parquet","meta":{"content_length":2725}}] }