TASM provides many ways to manage workloads, including the following features:
- Filters reject requests with specified characteristics before they start executing. Filters are applied system-wide.
- Arrival Rate Meter (ARM) regulates the flow of requests into the system.
- System throttles manage request concurrency across all workloads in the system. System throttles may cause the system to delay some requests when throttle thresholds are exceeded.
- Session throttles limit the number of sessions that can log on at the same time.
- Resource Limits control resource usages (AWT or memory) of requests. Resource limits may cause the system to delay some requests when specific resource usages are exceeded.
- Workload throttles manage request concurrency within one workload. Workload throttles may cause the system to delay some requests when throttle thresholds are exceeded.
- Classification defines the characteristics that qualify a request to run under the rules of this workload and determines which workload manages a specific request. Classification criteria may include--but are not limited to--originating application, target database object, or request characteristics.
- Events monitor and take action on utilization and activity.
- States allow TASM to enforce different rules in different circumstances, depending on system health and time frame.
- Utility management controls and customizes utility behavior separately from other request activity.
- Priority management controls the amount of CPU and I/O resources that individual requests receive, as defined by workload rules.
- Exception management detects unexpected situations within a workload and can automatically act to change the workload the request is subject to, or sends a notification.
The following shows the ways in which TASM manages workloads.