The TDWMEventHistory table and the view that corresponds to it, QryLogEventHisV, contain information about workload and system events and the values that lead up to a state change.
The table is structured so that the relationship between events can be extracted as a set. Several independent events may help determine the current state. To make this relationship clear, the table lists related events in chronological order under the same timestamp.
For example, when an event occurs, TASM logs it immediately. If this event is part of an event combination that causes a planned environment change, TASM logs the planned environment change and the details of all the events in the event combination. If the planned environment change then triggers a state change, TASM logs the state change under the same timestamp. The seqno (sequence number) field shows the order in which the events occurred. The following is a sample SQL request that extracts events in chronological order.
SELECT entryts, SUBSTR(entrykind,1,10) "kind", SUBSTR (entryname,1,20) "name", CAST (eventvalue as float format '999.9999') "evt value", CAST (lastvalue as float format '999.9999') "last value", spare2 "spare Int", SUBSTR (activity,1,10) "activity id", SUBSTR (activityname,1,20) "act name", seqno FROM tdwmeventhistory order by entryts, seqno;
Here is an example of another approach to accessing the TDWMEventHistory log, using recursion to show what caused the system to enter the RED state:
WITH RECURSIVE CausalAnalysis(EntryTS, EntryKind, EntryID, EntryName, Activity,Activityid) AS ( SELECT EntryTS, EntryKind, EntryID, EntryName, Activity, Activityid FROM DBC.TDWMEventHistory WHERE EntryKind = 'SYSCON' AND EntryName = 'RED' AND Activity = 'ACTIVE' UNION ALL SELECT Cause.EntryTS,Cause.EntryKind,Cause.EntryID, Cause.EntryName,Cause.Activity,Cause.Activityid FROM CausalAnalysis Condition INNER JOIN DBC.TDWMEventHistory Cause ON Condition.EntryKind = Cause.Activity AND Condition.EntryID = Cause.Activityid) SELECT * FROM CausalAnalysis ORDER BY 1 DESC;
EntryTS EntryKind EntryID EntryName Activity ActivityId ---------------------- --------- ------ --------- -------- -------- 2006-03-22 14:20:49.12 SYSCON 30 RED ACTIVE 0 2006-03-22 14:19:49.06 EXPRESS 20 AWT&NODE SYSCON 30 2006-03-22 14:17:48.53 EVENT 11 NODE DOWN EXPRESS 20 2006-03-22 14:16:48.51 EVENT 10 LOW AWTS EXPRESS 20