This table describes situations where each function can impact workload and provides the related table operator names to use with TASM.
Serial Number | Function | When Function Impacts Workload | Table Operator Name for TASM |
1 | NaiveBayesPredict | As model size increases. | NAIVEBAYESPREDICT |
2 | DecisionTreePredict | As model size increases. | DECISIONTREEPREDICT |
3 | DecisionForestPredict | As model size increases. | DECISIONFORESTPREDICT |
4 | GLMPredict | As model size increases. | GLMPREDICT |
5 | SVMSparsePredict | As model size increases. | SVMSPARSEPREDICT |
6 | NaiveBayesTextClassifierPredict | As model size increases. As input table partition size increases. When ModelType is Bernoulli. |
7 | MovingAverage | When MAvgType is simple, triangular, or weighted: As window size and number of target columns increase. | MOVINGAVERAGE |
8 | NGramSplitter | As gram size and document size increase. | NGRAMSPLITTER |
9 | Pack | As number of input columns increases. | PACK |
10 | StringSimilarity | As string size increases. | STRINGSIMILARITY |
11 | Unpack | Not applicable | UNPACK |
12 | Antiselect | Not applicable | ANTISELECT |
13 | nPath | When input data partition is huge and number of ON clauses increases. When Mode is NONOVERLAPPING and Pattern includes end anchor operator ($) but not start anchor operator (^). When Mode is OVERLAPPING, and Pattern does not include start anchor operator. When first symbol in Pattern can match infinite number of input rows. When conditions are imposed using Filter. |
14 | Attribution | As partition size or WindowSize increases. | ATTRIBUTION |
15 | Sessionize | Not applicable | SESSIONIZE |