For an initial implementation, Teradata recommends that you use the defaults on the Bypass, Limits/Reserves, and Other tabs. Teradata also has the following recommendations for the General Parameters area.
Setting | Recommendation |
Blocker |
Bypass | A typical practice is to set Bypass for BAR work and critical DBA activities. Bypassing BAR work does not bypass utility session limits. |
Intervals |
Users DBC and TDWM are included in the bypass list by default. System filters and throttles do not apply to them. If other users are affected by system filters and throttles in a way that does not meet workload management goals, adjust system filter and throttle classification criteria so that these users, account names/strings, or profiles are not affected. Avoid using the bypass list to make exceptions for users because that may result in situations where the necessary system filters and throttles are not applied.