Use the following Workload Designer portlet features to manage rulesets. The Teradata Viewpoint administrator can grant your role the Edit Rulesets privilege, which is required to complete all of the following actions except lock and unlock a ruleset.
Workload Designer Feature | Description |
Create a new ruleset | You can create multiple rulesets, but only one ruleset is active on Vantage at a time. After creating a ruleset, use the toolbar to specify settings, such as states, sessions, and workloads. A new ruleset is automatically locked so only the owner can edit it. |
Edit a ruleset | You can edit rulesets only in the Working section. |
Clone a ruleset | Makes an exact copy of the ruleset, except for the name. Cloning is a convenient way to create a ruleset using an existing ruleset as a basis. |
Make a ruleset ready | Send an inactive ruleset from Viewpoint to Vantage. |
Make a ruleset active | Activate the ruleset on Vantage. |
Delete a ruleset | Removes the ruleset and all associated information. |
Import and export a ruleset | Copies a ruleset from one Viewpoint system to another. You can import only rulesets exported from the Workload Designer portlet and a database of the same release. |
Lock and unlock a ruleset | Locks a ruleset to prevent others from changing it. Only the lock owner or a user with permission to unlock any ruleset can unlock a ruleset. |
For more information, see Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide, B035-2206.