TASM can manage the following Teradata utilities.
Protocol | Utility Names |
FastLoad |
MultiLoad |
MLOADX | Teradata Parallel Transporter Update operator |
FastExport |
Backup/Restore | Data Stream Architecture (DSA) |
The Teradata Parallel Data Pump (TPump) utility and the Teradata Parallel Transporter Stream operator use the SQL protocol. This means that Teradata manages them as SQL requests. The TASM utility management features described here do not apply to them.
Some third-party utilities use variations of the FastLoad, MultiLoad, and FastExport protocols. For utilities that implement the Teradata Parallel Transporter Application Programming Interface (Teradata Parallel Transporter API), TASM recognizes these utilities as the Load, Update, and Export operators of Teradata Parallel Transporter. If a third-party utility implements other variations of these protocols, it is non-conforming and TASM may not be able to manage it.