Tactical workloads are automatically expedited. Expediting is optional for workloads in SLG Tier 1. Before you expedite an SLG tier 1 workload, make sure that the requests running in that workload meet the following criteria:
- They consume resources moderately.
- They do not hold onto AMP worker tasks so long that they compete against Tactical requests also using the reserved AMP worker task pool.
Use DBQLogTbl to analyze this. It provides the workload ID and the start and end times of each request that it logs.
- They are adequately tuned.
If too much work is expedited, it weakens the advantage that expedited status has on very short, highly critical work. Being over-generous with this option creates new performance issues and imbalances. Consider expedited status only for truly exceptional cases, not for all the workloads running on SLG Tier 1.