The following is a sample consolidated schema document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ConsolidatedSchema schemaURI="" > <ComponentSchema locationURI="" targetNamespace=""> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="..." xmlns:xsi="..." xmlns:tns=""> .... </xs:schema> </ComponentSchema> <ComponentSchema locationURI="" targetNamespace=""> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="..." xmlns:xsi="..." xmlns:tns=""> .... </xs:schema> </ComponentSchema> <ComponentSchema locationURI="../otherschema/importedschema1.xsd" targetNamespace=""> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="..." xmlns:xsi="..." xmlns:tns2=""> .... </xs:schema> </ComponentSchema> </ConsolidatedSchema>
The ConsolidatedSchema element represents the envelope which will contain the individual schema documents that make up the schema. It identifies the schema in question through a schemaURI attribute, making it a complete self-identifying package.
The ComponentSchema element, which is a child of the ConsolidatedSchema element, will wrap each individual schema document that makes up the schema grammar. This element contains a locationURI attribute that is used to pick out the schema document when it is required during the processing of the root schema. For example, if a schema with a given location URI is imported in the root schema or one of the other imported/included schemas, the resolver will pick the ComponentSchema element with the appropriate locationURI attribute and take its xs:schema child element.