This example shows how to use the <xsl:param> parameter to define context level constants.
The following shows the syntax for <xsl:param>.
<xsl:param name=”XML_TimeStamp” select="date:date-time()"></xsl:param>
Before running the example, ensure the test user is created with the required permissions and the required tables are created. See Setting Up the XSLT_SHRED_BATCH and XSLT_SHRED Examples for details.
Populate the staging table used to store the XML source document.
DELETE Input_Docs; DELETE Offer; INSERT INTO Input_Docs(1, CREATEXML('<?xml version="1.0"?> <Root> <predictixOfferMessage> <Offer><offerid>1000001</offerid></Offer> <mediaBlock><mediaBlockid>90000000010001</mediaBlockid></mediaBlock> </predictixOfferMessage> <predictixOfferMessage> <Offer><offerid>1000002</offerid></Offer> <mediaBlock><mediaBlockid>90000000010002</mediaBlockid></mediaBlock> </predictixOfferMessage> </Root>'));
Call the XSLT_SHRED_BATCH stored procedure with the stylesheet mapping to shred the XML data stored in the staging input table. The following arguments are used for the call.
- The queryString is: sel * from xsltuser.Input_Docs
- The xsltMapping argument is supplied by invoking the CREATEXML function with a stylesheet as input. This stylesheet will be applied to the XML document.
- The externalContext sets the defaultDatabase to xsltuser.
- The resultCode is returned in :res. A successful operation returns 0.
This example shows the <xsl:param> being set to a timestamp and then being used as a value for one of the columns in the target table.
CALL TD_SYSXML.XSLT_SHRED_BATCH('sel * from xsltuser.Input_Docs', CREATEXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:date="" extension-element-prefixes="date" version="1.0"> <xsl:param name="XML_TimeStamp" select="date:date-time()"></xsl:param> <xsl:template match="/Root"> <Transaction> <Insert> <Table> <Offer> <xsl:for-each select="predictixOfferMessage"> <Row> <offerid> <xsl:value-of select="Offer/offerid"/></offerid> <mediaBlockid> <xsl:value-of select="mediaBlock/mediaBlockid"/> </mediaBlockid> <datetimecol default="{$XML_TimeStamp}"> <xsl:value-of select="Offer/dummyelement"/> </datetimecol> </Row> </xsl:for-each> </Offer> </Table> </Insert> </Transaction> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>'), 'defaultDatabase=xsltuser', :res);
Result: To view the updated data in the target table, run: SELECT * FROM Offer;
offerid mediaBlockid datetimecol ---------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ 1000001 90000000010001 2014-11-04T15:22:55-08:00 1000002 90000000010002 2014-11-04T15:22:55-08:00