Syntax Elements
- queryString
- The SQL query string that is evaluated and returns a result set with two columns: an ID column and a column with the XML documents to be shredded.
- IN parameter of data type VARCHAR(20000), CHARACTER SET UNICODE.
- An error is reported if this parameter is NULL.
- xsltMapping
- An XSLT stylesheet provides the mapping from the XML elements to be shredded to the target table columns.
- IN parameter of data type XML.
- externalContext
- A comma-separated list of name=value pairs that parameterize the shredding operation. These values override configuration parameters, such as defaultDatabase, that are specified in the stylesheet mapping.
- IN parameter of data type VARCHAR(512), CHARACTER SET UNICODE.
- The externalContext parameter specifies configuration values used to override equivalent parameters specified in the XSLT stylesheet mapping. This must be a comma separated list of name=value pairs and the names must match one of the configuration parameters in the XSLT stylesheet.
- The following parameter values can be set through the externalContext:
- defaultDatabase
- defaultEncoding
- rootElement
- errorTable
- For explanations of the defaultDatabase, defaultEncoding, and rootElement options, see the description of the corresponding elements in the discussion of Adding Schema Annotations.
- The errorTable option allows you to specify the fully qualified name of a table to which error information will be written if any of the documents fails shredding. Specifying this option activates a more permissive form of shredding in which failure of any individual document during shredding does not result in the abortion of the entire shredding procedure. Instead, the remaining valid documents in the batch are shredded, and the error information for the documents that failed shredding is written to an error table.
- resultCode
- A return code where:
- OUT parameter of data type INTEGER.