In addition to creating any number of personal connections, you can set set a personal connection as the default for model training, evaluation, and dataset management.
Only admin users can create service connections.
- Select Settings in the Navigation bar.The list of connections displays in the Work area. When a single personal connection is listed, it's specified as the default personal connection.
- Do one of the following:
- To create a personal connection, select .
- To create a service connection, select .
- In the Connection details step, set the properties:
Property Description Name Specify the name of the connection. Description Specify the description of the connection. Host name Specify the host name you want to connect. Database name Specify the database name to use for the connection. VAL database name Specify the VAL database name to use for the connection. BYOM database name Specify the database name where BYOM methods and procedures are stored. Login mechanism Specify the authentication mechanism from the given options: - TDNEGO
- TD2
SAS database name If you plan to use this connection with BYOM SAS models, expand the Optional area and specify the SAS database name. Credentials Specify the username and password. You can test your dataset connection prior to adding it. - Select Save.The connection is added to the list of connections.
- To set a different personal connection as the default, select .