ARC1268 Can not restore user database SYSUDTLIB from a pre-V2R6 archive.
Starting with DBS release V2R6, database "SYSUDTLIB" is a "system" database. In releases prior to V2R6, any database that is named "SYSUDTLIB" would have been a "user" database. When restoring a pre-V2R6 archive file to a V2R6 or later system, the data from a "user" "SYSUDTLIB" database can not be restored into the "system" "SYSUDTLIB" database. If a "Delete Database" statement was executed prior to the restore statement, the "system" "SYSUDTLIB" database may have been deleted but the data from the "user" "SYSUDTLIB" database will not be restored into it. The restore of the "user" "SYSUDTLIB" database will be skipped.
For Whom
End User.
The utility issues an error message of severity 8 and skips to the next database object.
A pre-V2R6 "user" "SYSUDTLIB" database can not be restored to a V2R6 or later system but it can be copied to a V2R6 or later system. You can only copy the pre-V2R6 "user" "SYSUDTLIB" database if you copy it to a database with a different name on the target V2R6 or later system. To copy the pre-V2R6 "user" "SYSUDTLIB" database, create an empty database on the target system with a name other than "SYSUDTLIB" (ie., "User_SYSUDTLIB"). Then use the COPY FROM statement and specify the source database as "SYSUDTLIB" and the target database as "User_SYSUDTLIB".