Overview - Access Module

Teradata Tools and Utilities Access Modules User Guide

Access Module
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Access modules are dynamically linked software components that provide input and output interfaces to different types of external data storage devices, OLE DB data sources, and message queuing software. Access modules import data from various data sources and return the data to a Teradata utility, which then stores the data in the data warehouse. Access modules are dynamically linked to one or more client utilities by the Teradata Data Connector Application Programming Interface (API).

  • Read (import) data flows from access modules to the Teradata Data Connector API. The Data Connector API expects, but does not require, data in blocks that consist of one or more logical records.
  • Write (export) data flows from the Teradata Data Connector API to access modules. In most cases, the Data Connector API provides data in blocks consisting of one or more logical records.
  • Note: Access modules are distinctly different from INMOD and OUTMOD routines.

    depicts the relationship between various access modules and the Teradata Data Connector API.

    Figure 1: Data Connector API Linkage