Importing Data
Figure 7 on page 94 is an overview of how data is imported from a JMS client application to Teradata Database. In general, the data flow is as follows:
1 The client component sends a data message to a MOM service provider.
2 Depending on the messaging model, the JMS message server retrieves the data message from a queue or topic within a MOM service provider.
3 At the software code level, the Teradata Access Module for JMS uses JMS connection calls to access the configured JMS‑administered objects to connect to the JMS server.
Each service provider has its own proprietary implementation of connections to communicate with the JMS server and an administrative tool to configure the connection and queue objects. The Teradata Access Module for JMS is expected to use Java Naming Directory Interface JNDI namespace to locate those JMS‑administered objects.
4 The Data Connector initiates a sequence of instructions so the Teradata Access Module for JMS can get the data messages from the queue or topic. This sequence of instructions may include the access module Initialize, File Open, File Read, File Get Position, and Shutdown commands. See Table 14 on page 99 for more information on access module functions.
5 The Teradata Access Module for JMS reads the data from the queue or topic. It copies the data to a fallback data file for checkpoint and restart purposes and then delivers it to the Data Connector.
6 The Data Connector transfers the data to a Teradata utility, such as BTEQ, FastLoad, MultiLoad, or TPump.
7 The Teradata load utility processes and loads the data into a table in the Teradata Database.
Figure 7: JMS Importing to Teradata Database