Teradata Access Module for Amazon S3 Output - Access Module

Teradata Tools and Utilities Access Modules User Guide

Access Module
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

When the job is run, output generated by the Teradata Access Module for Amazon S3 is identified by the string S3AXM: as shown below. The Teradata Access Module for Amazon S3 initialization string parameters (including sanitized copies of the S3AccessID and S3AccessKey) are always printed along with a notation about where the Teradata Access Module for Amazon S3 derived the value from. This will save troubleshooting time if an incorrect value is obtained for some reason.

S3AXM [02771]: S3 Parameter        Parameter Value                     Parameter Origin
S3AXM [02771]: -------------       --------------------------------    ---------------------
S3AXM [02771]: S3ConfigDir       = /home/ec2-user/.aws                 $HOME environment variable
S3AXM [02771]: S3Profile         = default                             Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3Region          = us-west-2                           AWS "config" file
S3AXM [02771]: S3Bucket          = udaesbucket01                       Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3Prefix          = telsa-s3-test/                      Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3Object          = TPT_S3AXSMOD_001.txt                Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3ConnectionCount = 10                                  Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3BufferCount     = 20                                  Computed Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3BufferSize      = 8388608                             Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3SinglePartFile  = True                                Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3PartsPerFile    = 10000                               Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3AccessID        = ************T6XA                    AWS "credentials" file
S3AXM [02771]: S3AccessKey       = ************CNT4                    AWS "credentials" file
S3AXM [02771]: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------