When the job is run, output generated by the Teradata Access Module for Amazon S3
is identified by the string S3AXM:
as shown below. The Teradata Access Module for Amazon S3 initialization string parameters
(including sanitized copies of the S3AccessID
and S3AccessKey
) are always printed along with a notation about where the Teradata Access Module
for Amazon S3 derived the value from. This will save troubleshooting time if an incorrect
value is obtained for some reason.
S3AXM [02771]: S3 Parameter Parameter Value Parameter Origin
S3AXM [02771]: ------------- -------------------------------- ---------------------
S3AXM [02771]: S3ConfigDir = /home/ec2-user/.aws $HOME environment variable
S3AXM [02771]: S3Profile = default Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3Region = us-west-2 AWS "config" file
S3AXM [02771]: S3Bucket = udaesbucket01 Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3Prefix = telsa-s3-test/ Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3Object = TPT_S3AXSMOD_001.txt Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3ConnectionCount = 10 Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3BufferCount = 20 Computed Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3BufferSize = 8388608 Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3SinglePartFile = True Module Parameters
S3AXM [02771]: S3PartsPerFile = 10000 Default
S3AXM [02771]: S3AccessID = ************T6XA AWS "credentials" file
S3AXM [02771]: S3AccessKey = ************CNT4 AWS "credentials" file
S3AXM [02771]: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------