Customizing Code Completion Lists
The list of built-in functions that appear in the code completion drop down lists is vendor specific. Currently only four sets of lists are provided:
The ANSI file is used when View > ANSI SQL is selected and you are connected to Teradata. The Base and ANSI2008 files are used when you are connected to a non-Teradata Database.
These lists are defined in files named TeradataXX.mbr, BaseXX.mbr and so on. Where XX is AF for aggregate functions, NF for regular functions, TF for table functions, or TO for table operators. The .mbr files are located in \Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Teradata\SQL Assistant.
If you regularly work with another database such as Oracle, you can create your own lists specifically for use with that database type (for example, OracleNF.mbr and OracleAF.mbr).
You can also edit the existing .mbr files to remove unused functions or add your own User Defined Functions (UDFs). These are simple XML text files containing a single element type with 4 attributes:
Note: Certain characters must use their html equivalent: > [>] < [<] and “ ["]
The following special characters are used within the help text: